Month: December 2015

Did the Holocaust Cause Israel, or…

… was it the other way around? Natali Vaxberg's moving protestations notwithstanding (also posted on CODOH at, it can get confusing for those susceptible to soundbites and other propaganda designed to displace actual knowledge or thought. Holocaust remembrance ceremonies are today as ubiquitous across America and Europe as Easter, Christmas and New Year's all…

Swindle the Nazis!

Ever since its 1979 founding, the US Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations has sought ways to force immigrants suspected of having participated in dealings of the German National Socialist regime of 1933 – 1945 with Jews and other groups detained in labor and concentration camps during World War II to leave their adopted country…

The Holocaust’s Visit to Yad Vashem

A far left  Israeli Actress known for staging politically provocative plays caused a stir yet again on Tuesday when she posted a controversial monologue on YouTube which she performed in front of the memorial for the Warsaw Ghetto fighters at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. A few weeks ago, the actress, Natali Cohen Vaxberg, arrived at…

The Death Mill of Blowing Rock

Where, oh where, is Caroline Sturdy Colls when one needs her? I visited Blowing Rock, North Carolina recently and hiked a lovely trail whose head was located almost “downtown” in this mountain tourist venue. The trail followed a babbling brook called New Years Creek through the forest that surrounds the town. And as I trudged…

A Personal History of Moral Decay

Introduction What a delight is was to receive a copy of Bradley Smith’s latest book in the old pocket-book size of 7×4 inches, a measure that translates into 18x10cm. It is of 316 pages and made in the USA at San Bernadino, CA on 15 June 2014 by, PO Box 1862, Charleston, WV 25327,…

Dogma, Double Standards, and Doubt

To act is to be committed, and to be committed is to be in danger. —James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time In his autobiography "Break His Bones" Bradley Smith gives us a lively and infuriating review of the Holocaust dogma that has crippled intellectual freedom in the U.S. It should be required reading for every…

A Personal History of Moral Decay

Bradley R. Smith, A Personal History of Moral Decay, Charleston, W.V.: Nine-Banded Books, 2014 “I’m setting out to see the world and make my fortune, just like they did in the old days. I know I’m past the age when these things are normally taken care of, but I’m a slow starter.” In both title…

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