Author: DenierBud

Dean Irebodd accidentally learned about revisionism in 2002/2003 and got fascinated by it. The inhumane persecution of revisionist scholars stimulated him to become active. The vast revisionist resources offered by websites like this one enabled him to turn written revisionist material into something more digestible for the masses. Dean has a passion for making well-researched documentaries on the Holocaust.

Dean Irebodd works closely together with CODOH.

Read also the interview Dean has given to The Barnes Review in March 2012.

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Auschwitz—The Surprising Hidden Truth

A mind-boggling documentary about proven facts about Auschwitz flying into the face of the Holy Orthodoxy...

A Revisionist Videomaker's Confessions

A picture tells a thousand words, and moving pictures rule today's world. Hence, the only way to reach a broader audience is by offering well-made and intriguing video documentaries. Dean Irebodd (aka DenierBud) has produced a number of hard-hitting revisionist documentaries. This is an interview conducted with him in 2012…

Memorabilia : Bradley Smith and David Cole on the Donahue Show

In 1994, two gas chamber deniers, Bradley Smith and David Cole, went on a talk show. Dean Irebodd, the maker of One Third Of The Holocaust, points out witnesses lies, like where everyone (including a famous sceptic) believes an obviously fraudulent phone caller.

Buchenwald  a Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil (2:21:00)

Buchenwald has been portrayed by orthodox historians as the most-evil of German work camps. See this video to know the other side of the story. This video was made and narrated by DenierBud.

Examining the Evidence of the Holocaust aka One Third of the Holocaust 2002 Books  Part 1 of 2 (2 hrs:5 min)

Examining the Evidence of the Holocaust 1 of 2 aka One Third of the Holocaust 2002 books Part 1 of 2.

Examining the Evidence of the Holocaust aka One Third of the Holocaust 2002 Books Part 1 of 2 (2 hrs:5 min)

Examining the Evidence of the Holocaust aka One Third of the Holocaust 2002 Books Part 1 of 2. This video (two hours) looks at the camps of Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec. These camps were established by the Germans as transit camps for the Jews to be sent to the Russian East. They were garrisoned by…

Nazi Shrunken Heads

  A person's high regard for the Nuremberg Trial tends to be taken down a peg or two upon learning that the American prosecution team offered a shrunken head into evidence, blaming the Nazis for what obviously came from a South American rain forest tribe many years prior. Toward the end or World War II,…

One Third of the Holocaust

This documentary explains how the German wartime camps at Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec (all in Poland) were not death camps, as is usually claimed. It thereby debunks one third of the Holocaust. The movie asks questions like, "Would the Germans have really put a fence made out of tree branches around a deathcamp?" Answer: "Uh,…

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