Month: July 2024

Tackling Zionism’s and Judaism’s Sword and Shield

Presentation delivered on June 30, 2024, at the First J[ewish]P[problem] Conference in Kentucky. Download this video here by right-clicking on this link, then pick “Save Link As…”. Download this presentation’s transcript here. Download this presentation’s subtitle file here. This video has also been posted in numerous version on BitChute and Rumble:…

Absolute Immunity

“You need to know that the least of peasants, and what is even more, the beggar is just as much a human being as is his majesty, and he has to find justice by that fact that all humans are equal before the law; it may be a prince suing the peasant or vice versa,…

The First Ever JP Conference

On June 10, Dave Gahary from Money Tree Publishing mentioned that a conference is being organized for the end of June 2024 that will address the “Jewish Problem” in the wake of events unfolding in Gaza. He floated the idea that I could attend as well in order to present my thoughts on this topic….

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