Vol. 17 (1998)

The Journal of Historical Review - covers

Volume Seventeen · Numbers 1 through 6 · 1998

Between 1980 and 2002, The Journal of Historical Review was published by the Institute for Historical Review. It used to be the publishing flagship of the revisionist community, but it ceased to exist in 2002 for a number of reasons, mismanagement and lack of dedication being some of them. CODOH mirrors the old papers that were published in that journal. To see the table of contents of this volume’s issues, click on the respective issue number in the subcategory list below.

Vol. 17 (1998)

Scholarly French Journal Strives for ‘Exactitude’

Akribeia, the Greek word for “exactitude,” is also the name of an impressive scholarly French-language revisionist journal. Skilfully edited by Jean Plantin, the twice-yearly periodical of some 235-240 pages explores “history, rumors and legends.” Each book-length issue proclaims (quoting French scholar and publisher Pierre Guillaume) that history writing must be revisionist, or it is not…

Germany Has Paid Out More Than $61.8 Billion in Third Reich Reparations

Since 1951 Germany has paid more than 102 billion marks, about $61.8 billion at 1998 exchange rates, in federal government reparation payments to Israel and Third Reich victims. In addition, Germans have paid out billions in private and other public funds, including about 75 million marks ($49 million) by German firms in compensation to wartime…

Israel is Developing ‘Ethnic Bomb’ for Growing Biological Weapons Arsenal

Israel is working on an “ethnically targeted” biological weapon that would kill or harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military and western intelligence sources cited in a front-page report in the London Sunday Times, November 15, 1998 (“Israel Planning ‘Ethnic’ Bomb as Saddam Caves In,” by Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin). In developing…

Spanish Court Sentences ‘Thought Criminal’

A Spanish court has sentenced Pedro Varela, a Barcelona book dealer, to five years imprisonment for “incitement to racial hatred” and for “denying or justifying genocide.” The sentence, handed down on November 16, 1998, is Spain’s first conviction for “Holocaust denial.” It is based on the country’s 1995 anti-genocide and anti-discrimination law, which effectively creates…

John Birch Society Magazine Takes Aim at Holocaust Revisionism and the IHR

Under the ambitious headline “Lessons From the Holocaust,” the biweekly magazine of the John Birch Society recently tackled the emotion-laden Holocaust issue. Promoted as a front-cover feature, the nine-page article by senior editor William Norman Grigg is critical of Holocaust revisionism and the Institute for Historical Review. In response to Grigg’s broadside, The New American…

IHR Internet Web Site Offers Worldwide Access to Revisionism

On its own Internet web site, www.ihr.org, the Institute for Historical Review makes available an impressive selection of IHR material, including dozens of IHR Journal articles and reviews. It also includes a listing of every item that has ever appeared in this Journal, as well as the complete texts of The Zionist Terror Network, “The…


Dogged Determination The article on Jürgen Graf before the Swiss court [in the July-August Journal], while excellent, was also frightening and sobering. Et tu Helvetia? Yet, it is people with intelligence and dogged determination, like him and you, who usually leave their marks upon history. Equally sobering was the [Sept.-Oct.] issue on Hollywood. Good to…

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