Author: Jean-Marie Boisdefeu

The Bankruptcy of Yad Vashem or How to Reach 6,000,000

This first-ever probing into the Yad Vashem database of Holocaust victims demonstrates the bankruptcy of the Holocaust orthodoxy...

La banque(route) du Yad Vashem ou comment arriver à 6000000

This first-ever probing into the Yad Vashem database of Holocaust victims demonstrates the bankruptcy of the Holocaust orthodoxy...

Gassed at Treblinka and deceased in Minsk

Yad Vashem entered tens of thousands of Jewish deportees en masse and multiple times as "victims" into their database. The fate of some of them proves that Jews were transited by the thousands through Treblinka to places further east.


Gazé à Treblinka et mort à Minsk

Yad Vashem entered tens of thousands of Jewish deportees en masse and multiple times as "victims" into their database. The fate of some of them proves that Jews were transited by the thousands through Treblinka to places further east.


The Bankruptcy of Yad Vashem or How to Reach 6,000,000

Abstract In early 2005, Yad Vashem, the official Israeli institute charged with managing the memory of the extermination of the Jews by the Germans, made publicly accessible a database of victims of the Shoah. At that point, it contained approximately three million names of “Jews who perished in the Shoah.” The long-term goal is to…

Selection at Auschwitz: Extermination Claims Refuted

Just after WWII the Dutch Red Cross published a series of studies concerning the deportation of Jews; this document is well known to specialists, but the public is generally ignorant of it. Volume III contains an interesting example of the reinterpretation of testimonies to make them conform to received dogma.[1] One testimony concerns the selection…

But Why Weren’t the Jewish Children Gassed?

The Kalendarium, written by Danuta Czech of the State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau, proffers day-to-day summaries of events at Auschwitz from 1939 until 1945. It was first published in several booklets beginning in 1960 as “Notebooks of Auschwitz” and then republished in book form. As released in 1989, it reflects the official version of history propagated…

Children Who Survived Auschwitz

In June 1998, the “Third International Meeting on Audiovisual Testimonies of Survivors of Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camps” was held in Brussels. The Israeli researcher Anita Tarsi, who works primarily on the Fortunoff archives, presented a paper on the fate of a group of children born between 1927 and 1938 [thus 6 to 17 years…

Was General de Gaulle a “Revisionist”?

Already by 1984 Professor Robert Faurisson had noticed that General De Gaulle never pronounced the words “gas chambers” for the simple reason that he did not believe in them[1]; nevertheless it wasn’t until the occasion of the Papon trial that people finally start publicly to question De Gaulle’s attitude toward the extermination of the Jews…

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