Inconvenient History

Vols. 1 to current issue · · 2009 to current year

Inconvenient History seeks to revive the true spirit of the historical revisionist movement; a movement that was established primarily to foster peace through an objective understanding of the causes of modern warfare.

A PDF file containing Volumes 1 through 15, 2009 through 2023, can be downloaded here.
All individual IH volumes are also posted here on Links to the versions are helpful on sites which prohibit links to

Year Issues
Vol. 1 (2009) [PDF version]
Vol. 2 (2010) [PDF version]
Vol. 3 (2011) [PDF version]
Vol. 4 (2012) [PDF version]
Vol. 5 (2013) [PDF version]
Vol. 6 (2014) [PDF version]
Vol. 7 (2015) [PDF version]
Vol. 8 (2016) [PDF version]
Vol. 9 (2017) [PDF version]
Vol. 10 (2018) [PDF version]
Vol. 11 (2019) [PDF version]
Vol. 12 (2020) [PDF version]
Vol. 13 (2021) [PDF version]
Vol. 14 (2022) [PDF version]
Vol. 15 (2023) [PDF version]
Vol. 16 (2024)

Podcast Blitz

As reported in the previous issue of Inconvenient History, I had been invited to the First Ever Jewish Problem Conference held on June 30 of this year. During that conference, I presented a paper titled “Tackling Zionism’s and Judaism’s Sword and Shield.” As a result of this presentation, interest in the topic grew in the…

Hitler’s Secret Meetings

The International Military Tribunal (IMT) in its final judgment cited four secret meetings held by Hitler which indicated his plans to conduct aggressive war. In these meetings, held on November 5, 1937, May 23, 1939, August 22, 1939, and November 23, 1939, Hitler allegedly made important declarations explicitly stating his desire to conduct aggressive war….

The 1985 Ernst Zündel Trial

Jews seldom praise the work of Holocaust Revisionists. However, an exception is sometimes made regarding the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial in Toronto. For example, the failure of Jewish eyewitnesses to provide credible testimony at the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial caused Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz to write that the trial was “a total victory for…

Holocaust Poseurs

The Ubiquity of False Holocaust Testimony

Recently, I’ve been reading a book published by Yale University Press in 1941, Atrocity Propaganda by James Morgan Read. It’s interesting for not only the exposure of the kind of lying that went on in the First World War, but also the extent to which at least educated people had recovered from that propaganda. They understood that wars are full of lying, all right? So, I want to read you just a little bit of this, a couple of paragraphs from James Read’s book Atrocity Propaganda.

Book Announcements

Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist Authored by Bradley R. Smith Bradley R. Smith, Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist, 4th, annotated edition, Armreg Ltd., London, 2024, 132 pages, 9”×6” paperback, ISBN: 978-1-83640-000-4. In August of 2024, the resurrected Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust decided to republish in new editions all the books that CODOH’s…

Holocaust Encyclopedia: Amazon Reviews

Academic Research Media Review Education Group Ltd (ed.), Holocaust Encyclopedia: Uncensored and unconstrained, Armreg Ltd. London 2023, 634 pages, 8.5”×11” hardback, index, bibliography, b&w or color illustrated, ISBN: 978-1-911733-05-8 (color), 978-1-911733-06-5 (b&w). The Pinnacle of Holocaust Research! Roberts (5-star review), June 23, 2024 This Holocaust Encyclopedia is hands down, the most amazing, meticulously well-researched, and…

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