Author: Léon Degrelle

Léon Joseph Marie Ignace Degrelle (born June 15, 1906, Bouillon, Belgium; died: March 31, 1994, Spain) was a Belgian Walloon politician wo cooperated with the German occupational forces during WWII. He enlisted in the German army and fought in the Walloon Legion on the Eastern Front.

The Enigma of the Führer by Léon Degrelle (31:45 min)

In this superb video (31 minutes) we hear about the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, from an individual prominent in the National Socialist cause. Leon Degrelle was born in Belgium in 1906. Brought up a Catholic in the Walloon (French speaking) area of Belgium, he was heavily involved in Catholic activities. In the 1930s, he transformed a Catholic…

EPIC The Story of the Waffen SS Documentary by Leon Degrelle Special English Translation (1:21:59)

This video (One hour twenty one minutes) tells the story of Leon Degrelle, who rose from the rank of private to General in the Waffen-SS (Armed-SS).  In 1918, the German Government was overthrown and the Kaiser was forced to abdicate. Germany became a republic. The defeat in the war meant that large provinces were taken…

The Enigma of Hitler

In the following essay Leon Degrelle provides a good example of his writing style and historical perspective. He writes about Adolf Hitler – a man he knew personally and to whom he had sworn an unconditional oath of obedience – not as a dispassionate historian, but as a devoted admirer. Himself one of this century's…

How Hitler Consolidated Power in Germany and Launched A Social Revolution

I. Who Would End the Bankruptcy? “We have the power. Now our gigantic work begins.” Those were Hitler's words on the night of January 30, 1933, as cheering crowds surged past him, for five long hours, beneath the windows of the Chancellery in Berlin. His political struggle had lasted 14 years. He himself was 43,…

Epic: The Story of the Waffen SS

Introduction You are about to hear Leon Degrelle, who before the Second World War was Europe's youngest political leader and the founder of the Rexist Party of Belgium. During that cataclysmic confrontation he was one of the greatest heroes on the Eastern Front. Of Leon Degrelle Hitler said: “If I should have a son, I…

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