Month: March 2011

The latest effort to combat “denial”, i.e., Holocaust Revisionism (part V)

By Wilfried Heink The second essay in chapter two is titled, “Technische Aspekte des Massenmordes durch Giftgas als Argument vor Gericht”(Technical aspects of mass murder by poisonous gas as presented in court). It is written by two authors, Volker Bieler, Judge at the court in Landau, Palatine – up to 31 August 2010 also department…

The latest effort to combat “Denial”, i.e., Holocaust Revisionism. (Part IV)

By Wilfried Heink The second chapter in the book: “Neue Studien zu nationalsozialistischen Massentötungen durch Giftgas” is captioned: “Technische und pharmakologische Aspekte und der Stellenwert der Überreste” (Technical and pharmacological aspects and how remnands should be rated) The first essay in this chapter is titled: “Die todbringenden Gase” (The deadly [death carrying] gasses), by Achim…

The latest effort to combat “Denial”, i.e., Holocaust Revisionism. (Part III)

By Wilfried Heink   The second study in chapter one is by Dr. Moshe Zimmermann, Prof. for contemporary history and head of the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The essay is titled “Massenmord durch Giftgas in der Wahrnehmung der Überlebenden” (How survivors perceive the mass murder by poisonous…

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