On the Holocaust Controversy

Nos. 212 to 218 · www.Codoh.com · 2015

Revisionist News & Comments

All the issues of this year are listed as subcategories below.

A New Online Era

The last print issue of Smith's Report As indicated before, lacking any past payment data linked to your Smith’s Report subscription, we gave every subscriber five free SR issues starting with #214. These subscriptions run out with the present issue. Along with the last issue of SR we asked you all to renew your subscription….

This Is What CODOH Will Do

First of all, CODOH will both grow and shrink. It will grow, because the CODOH Trust now includes the publishing outlet Castle Hill Publishers (CHP) with all its book stock and copyrights. If well-maintained, this will give CODOH a steady source of income and reduce the necessity to beg you all for money. CHP, established…

Revisionist Activities

Jim Rizoli has created two more documentaries of “Extraordinary Revisionists.” They feature “revisionist powerhouse” Germar Rudolf (Toben’s words) in an interview in early November lasting some two hours, which was conducted in his home in Pennsylvania (http://youtu.be/7lQIn-i-wL4), and Dr. Fredrick Toben from Australia in a Skype interview (some 100 min; http://youtu.be/2ttSY5qpZWk) Rizolie also interview John…

Why—and How—I’m “Ideologically Motivated”

Holocaust denial is ideologically motivated. The deniers’ strategy is to sow seeds of doubt through deliberate distortion and misrepresentation of the historical evidence. Teachers should be careful not to unwittingly legitimise the deniers through engaging in a false debate. “How to Teach about the Holocaust in Schools”, International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance The passage above has…


*** Today I was sent an update to the Webpage of Heather McCalden, the daughter of David McCalden, the “conceptual” founder, with Willis Carto, of the Institute for Historical Review. She is rather a beauty, and into ballet and related arts. I remember her as a little girl. When I think of David the first…

18 More Months for Gerhard Ittner for Doubting the Indubitable

We received the following text from Gerhard Ittner four weeks ago. It explains a little more thoroughly his legal case in Germany (on which we reported elsewhere) as well as his attitude toward his harassment by the “German” judiciary. Unfortunately, and as expected, the German judges trying his case did not heed Ittner’s appeal for freedom…

Sensational Data

These documents, devoid of any real meaning, are the focus of yet another Holocaust sensationalism. Austria's largest newspaper, the tabloid Kronen Zeitung, published this breathless report (in German) on 6,300 census forms recently found inside an interior wall in a mansion close by the Parliament building in Budapest. The forms, circulated in four districts of…

Irishman Sentenced to Five Months in Jail for Doubting the “Holocaust”

Irish Independent, October 29, 2015 Man put axe through TV in town square in 'performance art piece' to further his claims Holocaust did not take place By Gordon Deegan A judge has jailed a "Holocaust denier" for five months for using performance art in the public square in Ennis to further his claims that the…

A Modest Proposal for Chancellor Merkel

Angela Merkel during the 51st Munich Security Conference 2015(photo by Marc Mueller; https://commons.wikimedia.org) Germany—or the German government and its taxpayers, anyway—is all things to all people, at least so far as money, weapons and even Lebensraum (living space) are concerned. While Germany was still digging itself out of its own rubble, in 1952, then-Chancellor Konrad…

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