Month: February 2011

The latest effort to combat “denial”, i.e., Holocaust revisionism (Part II)

The first chapter in the book Neue Studien zu nationalsozialistischen Massentötungen durch Giftgas is captioned: “Massentötungen durch Giftgas: Zwischen wissenschaftlicher Einordnung und individueller Erinnerung” (Mass murder by poisonous gas: Amid scientific cataloguing and the recollection by individuals).   The chapter contains two essays, the first one by the British historian Richard J. Evans, titled: “Wie…

Facing a New Decade

By Thomas Kues Counting the years properly we are now facing a new decade. What will it bring for holocaust revisionism?In one of my first articles for Smith's Report, “What Remains to be Researched?” (issue 150) I outlined a number of areas still in need of research as well as mentioned a number of studies…

The latest effort to combat “denial”, i.e. Holocaust revisionism

On May 16 – 18, 2008, 200 scientists from around the world met in Berlin to discuss the historical significance-, the technical developments-, and Revisionist denial of “The Holocaust”. The “Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten” (Brandenburg Memorials Foundation), as well as the “Wiener Institute für Zeitgeschichte” (Vienna Institute for Contemporary History) were the organizers of this conference….

The Latest Sonderkommando Testimony

By Wilfried Heink In 2010 a National Geographic Documentary was shown titled Sonderkommando: The living dead of Auschwitz (produced in 2009). This featured the self-styled Sonderkommando member Henryk Mandelbaum, who was interviewed by Stanislav Motl, a Czech author and journalist. We are told in this documentary by the narrator, Chris Plumley, that Motl “…spent years…

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