Author: Anonymous

Reader Offers to Pay for CODOH Ads in RIC Anchor

George Bissell, Editor-in-ChiefThe AnchorRhode Island CollegeProvidence, Rhode Island[email protected] Dear Mr Bissell, I would like to thank you and congratulate you for your moral courage and intellectual honesty in publishing the advertisement placed in The Anchor by Bradley Smith. The more so that you almost certainly are not personally in sympathy with the position taken by…


I’m an evening, part-time, adult education teacher. The enclosed letter was on the desk that I share with my morning counterpart who teaches social studies during the regular school hours. More ammo for your refreshing, monthly revisionist newsletter. Keep up the good work. H.M., Florida The letter referred to is addressed to “All Middle and…


I’m worried about Carlos Porter. I’ve been reviewing your coverage in Smith's Report (particularly your issue # 48) of his problems with the German government over his revisionist writings. Because Porter lives in Belgium, he apparently believes the German court cannot reach him. If Eichmann could be kidnapped by Israelis while living in Argentina, Porter…

Hit the Road Before It Hits You

“Think of the internet as a highway.” — There it is again. Some clueless fool talking about the “Information Superhighway.” They don't know didley about the Net. It's nothing like a superhighway. That's a rotten metaphor. Suppose the metaphor ran in the other direction. Suppose the highways were like the Net… A highway hundreds of…

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