Inconvenient History

Vols. 1 to current issue · · 2009 to current year

Inconvenient History seeks to revive the true spirit of the historical revisionist movement; a movement that was established primarily to foster peace through an objective understanding of the causes of modern warfare.

A PDF file containing Volumes 1 through 15, 2009 through 2023, can be downloaded here.
All individual IH volumes are also posted here on Links to the versions are helpful on sites which prohibit links to

Year Issues
Vol. 1 (2009) [PDF version]
Vol. 2 (2010) [PDF version]
Vol. 3 (2011) [PDF version]
Vol. 4 (2012) [PDF version]
Vol. 5 (2013) [PDF version]
Vol. 6 (2014) [PDF version]
Vol. 7 (2015) [PDF version]
Vol. 8 (2016) [PDF version]
Vol. 9 (2017) [PDF version]
Vol. 10 (2018) [PDF version]
Vol. 11 (2019) [PDF version]
Vol. 12 (2020) [PDF version]
Vol. 13 (2021) [PDF version]
Vol. 14 (2022) [PDF version]
Vol. 15 (2023) [PDF version]
Vol. 16 (2024)

Another English Traditionalist Catholic Priest Goes Revisionist

James Mawdsley, Is “Fear of the Jews” ruling the world? No more; 13:36 minutes;; James Mawdsley, Twists to gas chamber accounts in WWII Germany and Austria: showers, delousing, US & Soviet built; 37:10 minutes;; James Mawdsley, Extermination Camp? Homicidal gas chambers? Majdanek? Vanishingly improbable; 56:09 minutes; deleted by YouTube; When…

Book Announcements

Inconvenient History, Volumes 1 through 15 Edited by Richard Widman and Germar Rudolf Richard Widman (2009-2016) Germar Rudolf (since 2017) (lead editors), Inconvenient History: A Quarterly Journal for Free Historical Inquiry, 15 yearly volumes so far, 2009 through 2015, b&w illustrated, ISBN: 978-1-83640-001-1 through 978-1-83640-015-8; published under the aegis of Historians Behind Bars (2009-2014) and…

Artificial Intelligence for Revisionism

I remember dimly reading articles online where mainstream authors were outraged – and revisionist bloggers quite pleased – that artificial intelligence (AI) seems to side with revisionist arguments when it comes to technical questions. This also seems to be the case with some political topics, were politically “incorrect” conclusions are drawn by data-gathering and analyzing…

Inconvenient Revival

Looking at the last four editorials of Inconvenient History, I shudder. It contains so much bad news that any normal person would throw in the towel and be done with it. And believe me, I was getting close to this point during the turn of 2023 to 2024. But if I were a quitter, I wouldn’t…

Adenauer, de Gaulle, Nixon, and the Shah of Iran: A Modern Anthology of Jewish Might

Like Raymond Aron, we believe we need to distinguish between power and might. Power is the organization that makes might effective, but power can also become impotent, meaning that power without might is nothing. Keeping this in mind, let’s start our anthology 1. 1965 Konrad Adenauer, “One should not underestimate the might of the Jews”…

The Myth of “Nazi Terror”

The pernicious myth that the Brown-shirted Stormtroopers (Sturmabteilung or SA) of the National-Socialist Movement were “violent thugs” is a popular political slander, concocted by disingenuous “historians” from half-truths, while neglecting inconvenient facts. It is true that the National Socialists participated in their fair share of brawls, however, they were comparatively much less violent than the…

Book Announcements

Auschwitz Engineers in Moscow Authored by Carlo Mattogno Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz Engineers in Moscow: The Soviet Postwar Interrogations of the Auschwitz Cremation-Furnace Engineers. The Statements of Kurt Prüfer, Karl Schultze, Fritz Sander and Gustav Braun on “Gas Chambers” and Cremation Furnaces at Auschwitz, 270 pages, index, bibliography, ISBN: 978-1-911733-10-2; Armreg Ltd, London, 2024. Carlo Mattogno…

Auschwitz Engineers in Moscow

The following article was taken, with generous permission from Carlo Mattogno’s recently published study Auschwitz Engineers in Moscow: The Soviet Postwar Interrogations of the Auschwitz Cremation-Furnace Engineers. (Armreg Ltd, London, January 2023; Volume 52 of the series Holocaust Handbooks; see the book announcement at the end of this issue of Inconve­nient History). In this book,…

George S. Patton, Jr.

American historian Rick Atkinson writes that George S. Patton, Jr. (1885-1945) is widely regarded as the best field commander in the American Army during World War II. Patton was certainly the one most feared by the Germans, who complimented him before the Normandy invasion by massing defenses against a nonexistent Army Group Patton. By V-E…

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