Author: Santiago Alvarez

10 Months Prison for Ursula Haverbeck

87-year-old Ursula Haverbeck of Vlotho, Germany, has been sentenced to 10 months' imprisonment by the Hamburg District Court on Nov. 11, 2015 for expressing doubt as to the orthodox Holocaust narrative during a German TV interview.

Revisionist Activities

A list of new releases and activities by the revisionist community: Jim Rizoli, The Barnes Review, Lady Renouf, Benton Bradbury...

Tell the Truth – and Get Busted

Whenever revisionists have success, the Dark Side of the Force will sure go after them and make sure things don't get out of control. That's exactly what happened right before this past Christmas...

Revisionist Activities

A summary of the past two months's major activities unfolded by the major revisionist players (as far as we were informed).

Revisionist Activities

Germany Proud of Persecuting Dissidents

British Torture: What Does It Mean for Revisionism?

Already in 2005, British journalist Ian Cobain wrote two papers published by the British daily The Guardian in which he presented evidence that the British occupation forces in Germany systematically tortured German inmates after the war in order to have them sign confessions which then could be used to either indict them or others for war crimes.

Now Cobain has followed up with a new article, this time published in the London Daily Mail about torture centers in Britain itself, where again German inmates were tortured into signing questionable confessions. The following paper discusses the implications this information might have.

CODOH’s Internet Book Store Under Construction

CODOH's online book store is undergoing major changes, hence we had to take it temporarily offline. We will relaunch soon. Please stay tuned.

CODOHs Internetladen als Baustelle

Der Internet-Buchladen von CODOH unterliegt größeren Veränderungen, daher mussten wir ihn vorübergehend offline nehmen. Wir werden ihn bald wieder öffnen. Bitte bleiben Sie am Ball.

Seven homicidal gas chambers are said to have existed at the Majdanek Camp. At least, that was what the public has been told by Polish authorities between 1945 and the early 2000s. Six of these chambers have been well-described, and they had some "criminal traces" to give them at least a little credence. But the seventh of them, a room in the center of the camp's crematorium, never made any sense at all, and has been the laughing stock of open-minded observers for decades. In the meantime, the Majdanek Museum has admitted that this room (and four of the others) were not homicidal gas chambers after all. By going to the sources, this paper addresses the question how it could happen that a ludicrous claim such as this could have evolved in the first place.

Revisionist Activities

Starting with this issue, Smith’s Report will report about new revisionist activities and productions. With this we want to increase public awareness of the community’s productivity. This will hopefully improve attention and increase participation in revisionist events, and might help our revisionist producers to successfully market their products. Our list of activities covers anything which…

Ursula Haverbeck Challenges German Authorities

Ursula Haverbeck (86) is the widow of the late German historian Prof. Dr. Werner Georg Ha­verbeck. Both have been supporters of revisionism for decades. After her husband’s death in 1999, she started becoming more outspoken about her skepticism regarding the Holocaust. As a consequence she was tried thrice for “denial” and sentenced to pay several…

Horst Mahler Calls for Help

Since February 2009, German lawyer Horst Mahler has been serving his cumulative 12-year prison term for a number of convictions due to his writings in which he both contests the orthodox Holocaust narrative and justifies as well as recommends repeating some of the NS measures against the Jews, among other things. Horst Mahler Suffering from…

Gas Van Film and Photo Fraud

"Driveable gas chamber … a pension as a lieutenant commander"; source: "Der Spiegel," no. 4, 23 January 1963, p. 30Click to see the entire article. "SS gas van: 'The people didn't scream'"; source: "Der Spiegel," no. 21, 16 May 1966, p. 60Click to see the entire article. "NS gas van – 'nine to ten per…

Lanzmann’s “Shoah” Witness Simon Srebnik

In late 2010 Claude Lanzmann’s “documentary” Shoah was re-released with much brouhaha on the occasion of its 25th anniversary. It is “considered one of the greatest documentaries ever made.” Although there have been a number of revisionist critiques of various aspects of the movie,[1] no thorough and complete analysis of its entire content of 9½…

The Gas Vans

When it comes to the “Holocaust,” terms like “gas chambers” or “gas ovens” dominate the public’s mind. “Gas vans” are usually absent from the discourse. What percentage of the general populace has ever heard that the Nazis are said to have deployed mobile gas chambers as well, which historians usually call “gas vans”? This lack…

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