Author: Wilfried Heink

The Suppressed History of Crimes committed on German soldiers in WWII. Conclusion

By Wilfried Heink The last two chapters of Verbrechen der Sieger are titled “Polen” (Poland) and “Tschechoslowakei” (Czechoslovakia). Poland was defeated and therefore did not have any legitimate armed forces and as a consequence not able to capture “Prisoners of War”. About 800,000 German POWs were concentrated in the area of East/Germany-Poland, among them 7,500…

The suppressed History of Crimes committed on German soldiers in WWII. Part V

By Wilfried Heink- The next chapter is titled “Soviet Union” (Sowjetunion), and begins with “Morgenröte der Befreiung“ (The dawn of liberation). It is well worth the effort to go into this before continuing with the plight of German POWs, this time in the Soviet Union (SU), for it lays the foundation for what happened to…

The suppressed History of Crimes committed on German soldiers in WWII. Part IV

By Wilfried Heink- In the Fight with the Partisans: This is the caption of the first chapter under “Yugoslavia” – getting back to Crimes of the Victors, the book under discussion. It contains four chapters in total, Yugoslavia, Soviet Union, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Instead of writing “the authors tell us”, or “we are told”, I'll…

The suppressed History of Crimes committed on German soldiers in WWII. Part III

By Wilfried Heink- Dr. Rudolf Aschenauer, a lawyer who was involved in the defense of German soldiers, in his book about partisans “Krieg ohne Grenzen” (War without borders, [Druffel-Verlag, Leoni am Starnberger See, 1982]), complains that the partisan issue was never properly addressed in all the trials he was involved in (p. 139). To make…

The suppressed History of Crimes committed on German soldiers in WWII. Part II

By Wilfried Heink The next chapter is by Prof. Dr. Fritz Münch, titled: Zum Recht der Kriegsgefangenschaft (The Rights of Prisoners of War). The author tells us that existing law concerning POWs is relatively new, going into some detail regarding the Hague Rules of Warfare and the Geneva Convention. He also states that during WWII…

The suppressed History of Crimes committed on German soldiers in WWII. Part I

By Wilfried Heink The following essays are based mostly on “Verbrechen der Sieger. Das Schicksal der deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in Osteuropa”(Crimes of the victors. The fate of German POWs in Eastern Europe, Druffel-Verlag, Leoni am Starnberger See, 1975). It begins with a foreword by Brigadier General Wolfgang Schall, retired, POW in the SU (Soviet Union) from…

Aktion Reinhard(t)

by Wilfried Heink- By the term “Action Reinhard(t),” official historiography refers to the (alleged) mass murder of Jews in three German camps: Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. Some, ahem, historians include Chelmno, but I am using an article by Dieter Pohl, “Massentötung durch Giftgas im Rahmen der 'Aktion Reinhardt'. Aufgaben der Forschung” (Mass murder by poisonous…

German Guilt

By Wilfried Heink- The subject of what was known about the event now referred to as The Holocaust – and when it was known – has interested me for a while. During the occurrence of this alleged event – and it is referred to as an “event” more often than a “crime” — we have…

Was Adolf Eichmann kidnapped by Mossad for his involvement in the Holocaust?

By Wilfried Heink- On 11 October 2008 an article appeared in junge Welt, a German daily, titled “Er galt als Amispizel und mußte aus dem Weg geräumt werden“ (He was considered to be an American agent/spy and had to be eliminated), featuring a picture of Adolf Eichmann (I was unable to access the original junge…

A closer look at the Soviet “Extraordinary State Commission” (ESC) which claims to have investigated “Fascist Crimes” Part IV

By Wilfried Heink- The forth subchapter in the essay by Marina Sorokina is titled: Viacheslav Molotov: “It Is Time for the ChGK to Get to Work”. Sorokina writes that it “took more than four month” to organize the ChGK (ESC) and that on 23 February 1943 a draft “Decree on the ChGK” was send to…

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