
What impact has the orthodox narrative on the Jewish and the Christian religion? Can the Holocaust narrative even be called a (secular?) religion in and of itself? Read on…

Christian Morality and Holocaust Revisionism

Recently, the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor, declared that Holocaust denial is tantamount to “sacrilege” after he issued a message of solidarity to Britain's Jewish community ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day.[1] According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “sacrilege” is defined as “the violation or injurious treatment of a sacred object.” So, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor is saying…

Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s remarks on the Jewish “Holocaust”

December 18, 2005 Recently I was asked for my opinion on the recent remarks of Iran's President Ahmadinejad on the subject of the Jewish “Holocaust”. Here they are. I base my comments on the reports on these remarks that I have read in the Western press. In 1976 I published a book, entitled “The Hoax…

Holocaust as Religion

“Freedom of speech involves the right to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable.”—Oliver Wendell Holmes To see it as a religion one has to look carefully at what a religion is in its essentials. Religions come in many forms from animism to the search for enlightenment. Fundamentally a religion is a…

Auschwitz in the Shadow of the Cross

A rather remarkable international incident occurred in 1984 which would draw into question the entire issue of Auschwitz and victimization as the attention of the world became riveted on Poland, when a group of Carmelite nuns announced their decision to construct a convent on the grounds of the former concentration camp. The area chosen for…

Faith in “Holocaust” required

A passage in the New York Times Book Review of 19 October 1997 (p. 19) is too easily passed over. David Greenberg was reviewing the memoirs of John Toland, historian best known for a Hitler biography and the book Infamy, on the Pearl Harbor attack. Greenberg is a Richard Hofstadter Fellow in American History at…

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