Modern Israel, non-historical

The establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine was justified as a necessary protection from another Holocaust. Thus, the creation of modern Israel on the land of another people is a direct political consequence of the Holocaust lore. Contributions in this section deal with the creation and history of the Jewish State, covering its political, societal, religious, and military trials and tribulations, as well as the relationship it has with its neighbors and its treatment of Israel's ethnically non-Jewish inhabitants.

The Most Anti-Semitic Incident of 2016

Revisionists have long been the target of a smear campaign alleging that our questioning the most extreme and impossible propaganda tales is “anti-Semitic” and we should be all thrown in jail. The governments of Europe have kindly obliged and have criminalized expressing doubt about any aspect of the Holocaust. Our warnings to free speech groups,…

Israel to Form Coalition for World Internet Censorship

Gilad Erdan According to a report on on Jan. 19, 2016 in The Times of Israel, also briefly reported in The New Observer, Gilad Erdan the Israeli Public Security Minister, is to develop legislation that would force FaceBook, YouTube, Twitter and others to take responsibility for content, that is, legislation that would enforce a kind of censorship…

Did the Holocaust Cause Israel, or…

… was it the other way around? Natali Vaxberg's moving protestations notwithstanding (also posted on CODOH at, it can get confusing for those susceptible to soundbites and other propaganda designed to displace actual knowledge or thought. Holocaust remembrance ceremonies are today as ubiquitous across America and Europe as Easter, Christmas and New Year's all…

The Holocaust’s Visit to Yad Vashem

A far left  Israeli Actress known for staging politically provocative plays caused a stir yet again on Tuesday when she posted a controversial monologue on YouTube which she performed in front of the memorial for the Warsaw Ghetto fighters at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. A few weeks ago, the actress, Natali Cohen Vaxberg, arrived at…

CODOHWeb Helping to Set the Record Straight on Zionism, Israel and the Palestinians

As this issue of Smith's Report makes clear, the U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is long on evidence of insults, atrocities, evictions and expulsions befalling the Jews of Europe 1933-1945, but embarrassingly short on hard evidence of their systematic extermination. There’s another paradox as well: while the Museum’s exhibits speak glowingly of the creation of…

Notes on the Culture Wars

In an undated pitch for contributions. Rabbi Marvin Hier, Dean and Founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, writes of one of the Center’s many accomplishments: “When the 'revisionist' Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust placed slick, full-page ads in college and university newspapers all across the country denying the historical truth of the Holocaust,…

Blessed Are (Some of) the Peacemakers

Elie Wiesel, world leader of the S. S. (Sensitive Survivors), has found a new cause. Rummaging among the victims of Hitler's regime, he's come up with Carl von Ossietzky, Weimar leftist and “pacifist” par excellence, who died in a Berlin hospital after several years in a German concentration camp. Wiesel is agitating for the overturn…

102 Years of American Satrapy

Thomas Dalton’s article in this issue, “The Jewish Hand in the World Wars,” details successes of small groups of influential Jews in gaining control of the governmental apparatus in many countries, including notional democracies such as the United States. The process seems for the first time to have become visible in the record by the…

The Clash of the Nobelists

Nobel-Prize-winning German writer Günter Grass sent shock waves through the international community when, on April 4, he published a poem in the Süddeutsche Zeitung titled “What Must Be Said.” In that poem, for his first time, he voiced his deep concerns about the fact that his country was supplying to Israel, a nuclear power, submarines…

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