No. 1 (Apr./May)

On the Holocaust Controversy

No. 1 · · April/May 1990

Serving the Revisionist Community since 1990

This report informs you of what I am doing personally to promote open debate on the Holocaust story. It does not attempt to monitor the Revisionist movement. Smith’s Report is published six times a year and is sent free to those of you who help me with contributions, clippings or in other ways. It isn’t possible for me to do this work effectively without your help.

I welcome correspondence but can not reply to it unless it urgently addresses business to hand. If you do not want your name mentioned herein please say so in writing. Your generosity is the cornerstone of whatever success I will have in helping to open up the Holocaust story to free inquiry and open debate.

The first issue of Smith’s Report was still headlined “Prima Facie,” which was the name of the newsletter Smith had started in 1984 (see there).

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