
Reviews of videos, movies, and plays.

Mixed Signals From Spielberg?

Saving Private Ryan, directed by Steven Spielberg Let's begin with what this latest entry in the Spielbergian canon is not: it is not a “holocaust” or gas chamber flick. Saving Private Ryan is about combat on the Western front during World War Two and the honor and compassion of the U.S. government; overt Jewish themes…

Peter Sagal’s “Denial”

Peter Sagal's play Denial, being performed during April and May 1998 in Highland Park, Illinois, centers on Bernard Cooper, an engineering professor (not electrical) who has written a Holocaust revisionist book. The Chicago Tribune (23 April 1998, sec. 5, p. 4), in a review of the play said it is “based in part on Holocaust…

Swindler’s Mist: Spielberg’s Fraud in Schindler’s List

Hollywood illusionist Steven Spielberg's mendacious anti-German libel, Schindler's List, is based upon a novel, that is to say, a work of fiction, titled in its first edition, Schindler's Ark, by the Australian writer Thomas Keneally (the book's name was later altered to coincide with the title of the movie). Keneally's work is riddled with errors….

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