US History

Events of U.S. history after Columbus’ re-discovery of America in 1492 AD

America’s New Girlfriend

Several years ago boxer “Iron Mike” Tyson during a press conference told his upcoming prize fight opponent he would make him “his girl friend.” Though this was not out of character for the trash-talking Iron Mike, sports commentators were nevertheless shocked the prizefighter would put it so crudely — comparing his upcoming fight to a…

Not Pearl Harbor II

Following the devastating attack on the World Trade Center on September 11th, various commentators have attempted to explain the event to their audiences. One frequent allusion was that of the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Perhaps Disney's recent film was stuck in the minds of our media as some even dubbed the…

The Rewards of War

It was dark and very cold and I had been walking for close to an hour. Now I turned West on Briggs and walked through the parking lot behind Gottschalks department store. At the corner of the building there I almost stepped on a sparrow lying on the concrete walk. The bird was still fluffy,…

Going After Pat Buchanan

The publication of Pat Buchanan's book, A Republic, Not an Empire, coming with Buchanan's departure from the Republican Party in order to seek the presidential nomination of the Reform Party, has created the opportunity for Buchanan's critics to come crawling out of the woodwork with the usual arguments concerning the supposed anti-Semitism and extremism of…

Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965

Department of Psychology, California State University-Long Beach, Long Beach, CA 90840-0901 [We apologize for this maimed paper (Notes 1-4 not included in text, apparently missing passages, etc.). We strive to complete it; Codoh ed.] Population and Environment, Abstract This paper discusses Jewish involvement in shaping United States immigration policy. In addition to a periodic interest…

Assault on the Liberty

Assault on the Liberty: The True Story of the Israeli Attack on an American Intelligence Ship, by James M. Ennes Jr.: Random House, 1979. 300 pages, hardback, available from IHR at $14.95 . ISBN: 0394-50512-3. Subtitled “The True Story of the Israeli Attack on an American Intelligence Ship,” this book must certainly carry much more…

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