
Introductions to the Holocaust narrative from a revisionist perspective.


Historical revisionism is the great intellectual adventure of the end of the 20th century. Despite its size, the present handbook offers only a glimpse of that adventure; and so it seems necessary here first to specify the precise historical problem upon which the Revisionists have concentrated their research, then how revisionism arose in the 1940s…

Context and Perspective in the “Holocaust” Controversy

Deutsch | FrançaisPresented at the IHR's 1982 Revisionist Conference Introduction When in the discussion of some subject we criticize somebody because “he can't see the forest for the trees,” we refer to a special sort of intellectual failing. We do not mean that the object of our criticism is incompetent or that his views on…

Contexte historique et perspective d'ensemble dans la controverse sur l'”Holocauste”

Allemand | AnglaisIntervention faite dans le cadre de la conférence de l' Institute for Historical Review en 1982 Arthur R. Butz est professeur d'informatique à l'Université Northwestern, Evanston (Illinois). Il est le plus prestigieux des révisionnistes du monde entier. Il a publié en 1975 un ouvrage de référence : The Hoax of the 20th Century…

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