
Introductions to the Holocaust narrative from a revisionist perspective.

Auschwitz, 27 Gennaio 1945 – 27 Gennaio 2005: Sessant’anni di propaganda

1) Le menzogne propagandistiche già cadute nell’oblio Il 27 gennaio 1945 le avanguardie sovietiche della 100a Divisione di Fanteria, appartenente alla 60a armata del I Fronte Ucraino, giunsero nel complesso Auschwitz-Birkenau, ormai abbandonato dalle SS. La propaganda sovietica si mise immediatamente all’opera, facendo subito eco, per eccesso di zelo, alle storie più strampalate che circolavano…

On the Background of CODOH’s “Campus Project”, and Pressac’s 1989 book on Auschwitz (1992, 1:14:21 min)

Prof. Arthur Butz speaks at the 11th Conference of the Institute for Historical Review in 1992 with an introduction by Mark Weber. Professor Butz gives a background to Bradley Smith’s/CODOH’s  Campus Project (first 20 minutes), and his critical remarks on Jean-Claude Pressac’s 1989 book Auschwitz: Technuqie and Operation of the Gas Chambers (New York: Beate…

The Allied Leaders on the Holocaust

One of the many anomalies concerning the Holocaust is that the three leaders of the Western Allies – Eisenhower, De Gaulle and Churchill – did not seem to be aware of it. Despite Nuremberg and despite that they, of all people, were highly informed in every aspect of the war, their memoirs are unexpectedly laconic…

Evidence for the German Euthanasia Program Compared to the Holocaust

Abstract I have been asked the question: Why do you think the German euthanasia program happened during World War II, but not the Holocaust? This article will show that the evidence for the German euthanasia program is overwhelming, while the evidence to support the Holocaust story is severely lacking. Written Order In August 1939, Hitler…

Debating, Round 2: Maintaining Balance

Debating the Holocaust, 2nd edition, by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D., Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK, 2015, 323 pp. Inconvenient History carried a review of the first edition of Thomas Dalton’s Debating the Holocaust. The second edition has now been published, and the mask is down: Dr. Dalton admits—professes, in fact—that he is, indeed, a Holocaust revisionist,…

AnswerMan “debunkers” Edith Stein Gassing Claims

As SR readers will recall, AnswerMan is the persona of an active revisionist historian who shies from neither showmanship nor controversy (see SR 58). Here’s what college students visiting his page on CODOHWeb are reading regarding the recently canonized Jewish Carmelite, Edith Stein: Question: Press reports have made it seem as if Edith Stein’s recent…

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