
Are you looking for an introduction to the Holocaust narrative? Here you can find what we – and others – have to offer, from brief flyers to comprehensive tomes, for a step-by-step education for every level of knowledge.

Debating, Round 2: Maintaining Balance

Debating the Holocaust, 2nd edition, by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D., Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK, 2015, 323 pp. Inconvenient History carried a review of the first edition of Thomas Dalton’s Debating the Holocaust. The second edition has now been published, and the mask is down: Dr. Dalton admits—professes, in fact—that he is, indeed, a Holocaust revisionist,…

AnswerMan “debunkers” Edith Stein Gassing Claims

As SR readers will recall, AnswerMan is the persona of an active revisionist historian who shies from neither showmanship nor controversy (see SR 58). Here’s what college students visiting his page on CODOHWeb are reading regarding the recently canonized Jewish Carmelite, Edith Stein: Question: Press reports have made it seem as if Edith Stein’s recent…

David Cole’s 46 Unanswered Questions about the Gas Chambers

David has spent the best part of four years studying the physical evidence for the gassing chambers. That effort, together with a real need on the part of revisionists and mainstream historians as well, informed both his trips to Europe. Now he has worked out a series of questions (not assertions) about that physical evidence….

Revisionism 101

Breaking the Spell. The Holocaust: Myth and Reality. Nicholas Kollerstrom. Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK,[1] 2014. 256 pp., including index. Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom, recently of University College London, is a 21st-century Holocaust victim—perhaps a Holocaust survivor, in that he is alive today and, in respects other than professional, passably well. Of course, he is not…

The Great Holocaust Mystery

The Holocaust is the greatest murder-mystery of the 20th century. Six million Jews, we are told, perished at the hands of the Nazis – in gas chambers, ghettos, and concentration camps. They were starved, suffocated, and shot. Their bodies were buried in mass graves, or burned in the ovens of Auschwitz, or on open flames….

Don’t Fall for the Holohoax!

The following reproduces the text of a leaflet that Zan Overall wrote and is distributing on the campus at UCLA. His plan is to appear on campus each Tuesday in a campaign he refers to as “Truth Tuesday.” I would not phrase everything the way Zan phrases it maybe, but this is man in his…

Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of “Truth” and “Memory”

by Germar Rudolf (ed.), Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2003 (second edition) 612pp., with index Arthur Butz’s devastating The Hoax of the Twentieth Century was the broadside that heralded the destruction of the evil propaganda legacy of World War II since labeled “the Holocaust.” The next step needed in this process of rectification was to…

Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides

Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides, by Thomas Dalton, Theses & Dissertations Press, 280 pages, 2009. As we all know, Holocaust books tend to be pretty boring. Graphs, charts, numbers, rambling footnotes—when thrown together, page after page, the literature can be exhausting. Whereas most histories are driven by their narratives, by their…

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