Lies + Propaganda

Some wild claims within the Holocaust narrative have been debunked by mainstream scholars and exposed as mere rumors, lies and/or wartime propaganda (although other scholars may disagree). This entry lists contributions on those aspects of the Holocaust nowadays admitted as false, for whatever reason.

The Murder of History and the Belfer Foundation for Holocaust Education

Here Jett Rucker addresses what the purpose of the Belfer Workshop really is. This text was forwarded to some 2,400 student organizations and faculty at the six chosen campuses.   The School of Education at six campuses nationwide have been selekted by the Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Foundation to indoctrinate future teachers in a mendacious,…

Hollywood, the Holocaust, and the Hatred of Truth

Revisionist doyen Robert Faurisson attended the thirtieth annual Fajr International Film Festival in Tehran and there on February 3 delivered a speech whose subject in English was “Against Hollywoodism—Revisionism.” In it, the pioneer revisionist provided a penetrating perspective from a distance of one ulterior aim of what is better known to Americans as “Hollywood morality,”…

Against Hollywoodism, Revisionism

On February 2, 2012, Tehran hosted the second "Conference on Hollywoodism and Cinema" as part of the 2012 Fajr International Film Festival. President Ahmadinejad presented Robert Faurisson with an award at the conference and met with him in private.  The term Hollywoodism refers to the transformation, often mendacious, of reality by the spirit and practices…

The History Channel Re-runs Hitler’s Killing Machine

In March 2014 the Smithsonian Institution ran a made-for-television pseudo-documentary called Treblinka-Hitler's Killing Machine. The TV special was ridiculous. One promotional clips was titled: “Excavating a Secret Gas Chamber: The watershed discovery of Star of David tiles confirms the existence of Treblinka’s gas chambers and becomes the key to reconstructing the death camp’s sinister workings.”…

Auschwitz: The First Report!

On February 2, 1945 Pravda, organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, published an article briefly describing what Red Army troops had found on overrunning the Nazi slave labor camp at Auschwitz. The article, the first public revelation of the site's existence, is surprising for what it does not…

Auschwitz Museum Director Protests His Own Interview

Dr. Franciszek Piper has written the following letter to Target, a magazine published in New South Wales, Australia. If we’re tempted to poke fun at Dr. Piper’s English, we vow to stop and take a moment to reflect on how well we write Polish. Dr Franciszek PiperPanstwowe Muzeum32-603 OswiecimPoland The Magazine “On Target,” Australia In…

Regime Change at the Museum

A major regime change happened in the Soviet Union around 1990, after which there remained no Soviet Union as such, but instead Russia and a number of newly sovereign neighbors such as Ukraine. It would have been around this time that a museum/historical site such as Perm-36 became possible, even useful to Russia's government. Revisionism,…

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