Lies + Propaganda

Some wild claims within the Holocaust narrative have been debunked by mainstream scholars and exposed as mere rumors, lies and/or wartime propaganda (although other scholars may disagree). This entry lists contributions on those aspects of the Holocaust nowadays admitted as false, for whatever reason.

Blue Haze and Pyramids – Richard Böck’s Auschwitz Lies

Excerpts of an interview conducted by the British Imperial War Museum in 1972, with English voice over. The entire interview is available at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. This excerpts consists of several sections and starts at 59:05 and ends at 1:03:35 in the original. Download it here: Excerpt of Richard Böck Interview, with English…

Auschwitz, 27 Gennaio 1945 – 27 Gennaio 2005: Sessant’anni di propaganda

1) Le menzogne propagandistiche già cadute nell’oblio Il 27 gennaio 1945 le avanguardie sovietiche della 100a Divisione di Fanteria, appartenente alla 60a armata del I Fronte Ucraino, giunsero nel complesso Auschwitz-Birkenau, ormai abbandonato dalle SS. La propaganda sovietica si mise immediatamente all’opera, facendo subito eco, per eccesso di zelo, alle storie più strampalate che circolavano…

Dr. Josef Mengele: Angel of Death—or Reprieve?

Josef Mengele (1911-1979) is famous for his alleged participation in the selection of prisoners to be executed in alleged homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the exceptions of Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, no man has been so vilified as the personification of Nazi evil as Dr. Mengele. This article disputes this widely held image of Mengele.

Robert Faurisson a Revisionist Life (Part 4 of 4) 1990

Close to four hours of footage allows the viewer to see more about Professor Robert Faurisson, who is arguably the one key individual in modern revisionism who opened the door for many more questions to be asked about the historiography, the narrative of what is now called the Holocaust and open the way for many more of those who would dare to openly question the Holocaust in…

Pacifica Radio’s Goodman and Moynihan Caught Spreading False News Regarding Anne Frank

Contrary to widely held beliefs, Anne Frank and her family were never denied entry visas to the United States, a new study by the Anne Frank Museum confirmed. Pacifica Radio Journalists Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan had made the claim in a brazenly inaccurate article Feb. 23, 2017, The U.S. Rejected Refugee Anne Frank—Let’s Not Make the…

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