
The misnomer “Anti-Semitism” is used here merely for ease of communication. In fact, we are talking about anti-Judaism, because – ethnically speaking – Semites comprises all Arabs, yet only a minority of all Jews. We list here contributions dealing with actual hostility against Jews, along with contributions dealing with the political use and abuse of false or exaggerated claims of anti-Judaism.

Why Anti-Semitism?

The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State by Benjamin Ginsberg, University of Chicago Press, 1993. This well-written, highly instructive but somewhat flawed revisionist study of Jewish political, cultural and economic clout in the U.S., Europe, Russia and the Middle East should be read and reread by Instaurationists. Breaking ranks with politically correct historiography, Professor Benjamin…

The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism

The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order, by Ben Weintraub and Robert L. Brock, 1995. Softcover. 198 pages. Notes. This volume can be purchased from: “Cosmo Publishing”, PO Box 15248, Washington, D.C. 20003, USA for $15.00. Ben Weintraub and editor Robert Brock pose an interesting hypothesis: that the Holocaust has no…

The Good, the Bad, and the Anti-Semitic

The dreary—I was going to say dread—”anti-Semite” nametag is almost routinely attached to anyone openly doubting or outrightly questioning the tabloid version of the Holocaust story, however justified and well-meaning his intent. Recall, for example, the opprobrium heaped on the Princeton historian Arno Mayer, notwithstanding his Jewish ancestry, for his mild flirtation with revisionist themes…

The Anatomy of a Hoax

Often, a bogus charge of anti-Semitism (or racism) is made because of values or opinions or beliefs expressed in a public forum. Consider the case of one Thomas Speers of Waterbury, CT, whose expression of free speech, ironically, landed him in court at the behest of the the radio talk show host whose program Speers…

Are Revisionists Anti-Semitic?

Dear AnswerMan, [List of purported anti-Semites deleted] So why is this? If “revisionism” isn't anti-Semitism, then why are there so many anti-Semites in the business? Thanks! Andrew Mathis AnswerMan Replies: AnswerMan! is in the business of answering historical queries, not engaging in polemics. However, you have asked a common question so AnswerMan! will straighten you…

Mad at Jews?

Dear AnswerMan, Hi! I have seen your Q&A site. I have a question for you: Granted that many things of a regrettable nature happened during WW2; granted also that the 6 million figure is grossly inflated; granted also that the existence of homicidal gas chambers is NOT supported by physical or documentary evidence. Granted also…

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