
The misnomer “Anti-Semitism” is used here merely for ease of communication. In fact, we are talking about anti-Judaism, because – ethnically speaking – Semites comprises all Arabs, yet only a minority of all Jews. We list here contributions dealing with actual hostility against Jews, along with contributions dealing with the political use and abuse of false or exaggerated claims of anti-Judaism.

Phony “Anti-Semitic” Incidents

Ever-vigilant American television, newspapers and magazines take care to play up outbursts of “hate,” especially incidents against Jews. No where is the danger of anti-Semitism more alarming than in Germany, we are constantly told. As part of the ceaseless Holocaust campaign, the media treats anti-Jewish incidents in Germany as especially ominous. Because of Hitler and…

Nationalism & Antisemitism in Modern Europe 1815-1945

Nationalism & Antisemitism in Modern Europe 1815-1945, by Shmuel Almog. Translated from the Hebrew by Ralph Mendel. Oxford, New York, et al: Pergamon Press, 1990, 160 pp., illustrated, $56.00; ISBN 0-08-037254-6 Hardcover; ISBN 0-08-037774-2 Paperback. The addition of “Holocaust Studies” to school curriculum has emerged as a growth industry in American education. Courses are being…

Antisemitism in the Contemporary World

Antisemitism in the Contemporary World. Edited by Michael Curtis. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1986, 333 pp., $42.50. ISBN 0-81330157-2. In November 1983, a conference … “Antisemitism in the Contemporary World” … was held at Rutgers University. This book, a collection of papers which were presented by renowned scholars attending the conference, deals with what its…

Why The Goyim?

Why The Jews? The Reason For Antisemitism, by Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1983, 238pp, $14.95, ISBN 0-671-45270-3. “Jews have suffered, and Christians have suffered. Mankind has suffered. There is no group with a monopoly on suffering, and no human beings which have experienced hate and hostility more than any…

Karl Marx: Anti-Semite

Karl Marx was not only Jewish, he was descended from an established rabbinical family. His father had abandoned the practice of Judaism in order to function more freely in and with the newly established Prussian state, and in order to attract more clients to his law practice. Biographers do agree that age-old Jewish traditions continued…

A Legacy of Hate

A Legacy of Hate: Anti-Semitism in America, by Ernest Volknian, Franklin Watts, 358pp, $16.95, ISBN 0-531-09863X “Some people go around smelling after anti-Semitism all the time,” wrote George Orwell in a letter to a friend. Orwell then opined that, “More rubbish is written about this subject than any other I can think of.” Ernest Volkman…

Outlaw History #5

I received a number of letters regarding my reaction to a friend telling me that he believes all Jews should be murdered. This one from Joe Bishop is the most focused and unrelenting of the lot. “Hello Bradley, I read your latest newsletter (#4) and would like to make a couple of comments. Actually this…

Outlaw History #4

I should have noted in the last issue of this NL that I would be out of town for a week or so and that this issue would be late. I have not yet fully integrated this NL into my routine, if what I have can be called a routine. My escape from Baja was…

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