Science and Pseudo-Science

Mainstream scholars and media usually refer to Holocaust revisionists as “pseudo-scientists,” meaning that their methods of evaluating evidence and coming to conclusions are flawed. needless to say that this requires first that the proper, scientific methods and rules are defined, and that methods are described on how to gauge the degree to which a work – mainstream or revisionist – adheres to these methods and rules. Papers discussing this topic are listed here.

The Rudolf Report: “Psychopathological and Dangerous”

La Recherche, No. 300, July/August 1997: The Rudolf Report The members of the Chemistry Department of the [French] Academy of Sciences received a few weeks ago a document entitled ‘The Rudolf Report,’ accompanied by an anonymous letter which explained the ongoing witch hunt against revisionist historians. Several days later, Le Monde informed us that the…

Scientists against Science

I am a Swede, born in 1919 in Finland, and I spent my childhood and adolescence in a couple of small towns within the Swedish speaking belt along the Gulf of Finland. As a member of a somewhat pushed-aside minority I soon realized the importance of legal rights for every individual in a community. I…


1. Introduction Homo sapiens is a social animal, equipped with herd instincts, thus susceptible to mass and group psychological effects. Our social nature can have positive consequences, for example symbiotic and synergetic effects, but also negative consequences, like uncritical conformism and lemming-like loyalty. In order to prevent negative consequences of group psychology, group dynamic effects…

The Blind Spots of Mainstream ‘Holocaust Research’

Harry James Cargas (ed.), Problems Unique to the Holocaust, University of Kentucky Press, Lexington 2003, pb, 198 pp., $19.95 Are there any problems that are unique to the ‘Holocaust’? Asking this question in a revisionist periodical seems to be a bad joke. But when mainstream scholars use this question as the title for a collection…

On Third Reich Flying Saucers, German Physics, and the Perpetuum Mobile

Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point, Century/Random House, London 2001, 281 pp. hardcover, £17.99 An Introduction into the Topic For certain book reviews one must give an explanation and justification in order not to be misunderstood or put in a false light. The review of the book in question here is one of them,…

Bing goes Hayward’s Ghost

New Zealand is not exactly the counrty that causes headlines in the world's media, nor is it a place where one would expect infringements on civil rights of academics. But this is exactly what happened during the past couple of years. In the early 1990s, two young historians had written their master's theses on controversial…

Climatology—Science or Ideology?

Most readers will probably not realize that there is a German award for ideology-free scientific research, known as the Woitschach Prize for Research. Certain media have mentioned that, in 1999, this prize was awarded to Dr. Wolfgang Thüne, a man who has a Masters degree in meteorology, for his book Der Treibhaus-Schwindel (The Greenhouse Hoax).[1]…

Critical Remarks concerning Greenhouse-Revisionism

Science without Ideology? What some people polemically call the dictatorship of the ecologists, and the ideology that goes with it, seem to be particularly active in Germany. It is thus not surprising that quite a few personalities of public life are turning against the putrid exaggerations of this philosophy. Any kind of political fanaticism calls…

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