

The “Mommy” Mommsen Show

Starring Professor Hans Mommsen of Bochum University, Germany, as himself Peter Monteith as the Grinning Clown David Brockschmidt as the Crusading Revisionist Plus Peter Monteith’s Overweight Bodyguard Peter’s two Goons with clubs and handcuffs The Mystery Screamer Twenty intelligent students (rumor has it, they exist) It was 10:55 a.m. on the crisp Adelaide winter morning…

CODOH’s Growing Role in Battle for Cyber High Ground May Soon Prove Pivotal

In Frankfurt am Main, Germany, authorities move to ban a German-language revisionist site on the World Wide Web that features many articles by such CODOH writers as Bradley Smith and Richard Widmann. In London, England revisionist historian David Irving posts to his Website the first dispatch from the “liberated” Auschwitz—it appeared in Pravda in 1945—as…

Australian Jews take Legal action against Dr. Töben

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Australia's Jewish community has taken court action against Dr. Fredrick Töben, director of the revisionist think tank, the Adelaide Institute . The Executive Council of Australian Jewry is seeking the enforcement of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission (HREOC) order that Holocaust revisionist material be…

Censorship Ordered Against Adelaide Institute Website

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell An Australian commission ordered that the Adelaide Institute stop publishing Holocaust revisionist material on their Website. The curiously named Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission does not support freedom of speech when it comes to revisionist material. The Commission ordered Dr. Frederick Toben to remove all…

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