Great Britain



Recent issues of Vierteljahreshefte fuer freie Geschichtsforschung (Quarterly for Free Historical Research), the Belgian-published, German-language revisionist review that shines as one of the world's best, contain various articles under CODOH bylines: Samuel Crowell, on the technique and operation of German air-raid shelters during WWII (including his devastating critique of the Majdanek door offered as the…

British Publisher Simon Sheppard Arrested, His House Searched, His Computers Seized, but He Beats the Rap

This past June the Adelaide Institute reported that British revisionist publisher Simon Sheppard, of North Yorkshire, was woken up by police threatening to break down the door of his house unless he opened it immediately. They refused to allow him to put on some clothes first. Once inside they arrested him on “suspicion of distributing…

Töben arrested in London, Extradition to Germany sought

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell German-born Australian revisionist author and activist Dr. Fredrick Töben was arrested in London. He is accused of running an internet site that argued for the main principles of Holocaust revisionism including that the Nazis did not murder six million Jews. Töben was held at Heathrow at…

The Holocaust Doctrine and the Hypocrisy of Western Values

Ahmadinejad’s Insightful Statement In reference to political Zionism, certain Western governments and the Jewish Holocaust story, the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was claimed to have said in late 2005: “They have fabricated a legend under the name of Massacre of the Jews, and they hold it higher than God himself, religion itself and the…

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