Vol. 5 (1984)

The Journal of Historical Review - covers

Volume Five · Numbers 1 through 4 · 1984

Between 1980 and 2002, The Journal of Historical Review was published by the Institute for Historical Review. It used to be the publishing flagship of the revisionist community, but it ceased to exist in 2002 for a number of reasons, mismanagement and lack of dedication being some of them. CODOH mirrors the old papers that were published in that journal. To see the table of contents of this volume’s issues, click on the respective issue number in the subcategory list below.

Vol. 5 (1984)

The War Between The Generals / Overlord: D-Day and the Battle for Normandy

The War Between The Generals, by David Irving. New York: Congdon and Weed (distributed by St. Martin’s Press), 1981, 446pp, $9.95 Pb, ISBN 0-312-92921-8. Overlord: D-Day and the Battle for Normandy, by Max Hastings. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984, 368pp, $17.95, ISBN 0-671-46029-3. David Irving first gained the attention of serious students of history…

The Torture of Julius Streicher

“This is Purim Fest 1946!” was Julius Streicher's apt comment before he was sucked down into death via a gallows trap-door in the Nuremberg Prison gymnasium on 16 October 1946. He was the seventh of ten International Military Tribunal defendants hanged that day in fulfillment of the sentences imposed. (Hermann Göring had cheated the hangman…

Uprising! One Nation’s Nightmare: Hungary 1956

Uprising! One Nation’s Nightmare: Hungary 1956, by David Irving. London, Sydney, Auckland, Toronto: Hodder and Stoughton, 1981. 628pp, $13.50, ISBN 0-340-18313-6 No less a figure than A. J. P. Taylor has described British historian David Irving as “a patient researcher of unrivalled industry and success.” Since the publication of his book The Destruction of Dresden…

'Der Auschwitz Mythos': A Book and Its Fate in the German Federal Republic

“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.”—President Abraham Lincoln [retranslation] I was not yet acquainted with these wards of Lincoln when, after the Second World War, I repeatedly expressed doubts in conversations with a wide range of people about the alleged atrocities in German concentration camps. It simply appeared to…

Uproar in Clio’s Library

A lengthy page-one, six column article in the Sunday, 23 December 1984 New York Times (Colin Campbell, “History and Ethics: A Dispute,” pp. 1, 35) brought to the attention of the general public for the first time the facts about a controversy within the halls of mainstream historical scholarship that has proceeded with mounting bitterness…

Stalin’s War: Victims and Accomplices

Stalin's Secret War by Nikolai Tolstoy. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1981, 463pp, $18.50, ISBN 0-03-047266-0. Pawns of Yalta: Soviet Refugees and America's Role in Their Repatriation by Mark R. Elliott. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1982, 287pp, $17.95, ISBN 0-252-00897-9. Our “present” has to a large degree been shaped by the events of…

Why The Goyim?

Why The Jews? The Reason For Antisemitism, by Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1983, 238pp, $14.95, ISBN 0-671-45270-3. “Jews have suffered, and Christians have suffered. Mankind has suffered. There is no group with a monopoly on suffering, and no human beings which have experienced hate and hostility more than any…

A Challenge to David Irving

At the time of the fifth international Revisionist Conference sponsored by the Institute for Historical Review, held in Los Angeles on 3–5 September 1983, I had the pleasure of meeting David Irving for the first time. Unfortunately, our meeting was too short. We had a brief conversation, and then I listened to his presentation. At…

Beyond Year Zero

Author’s Note: In 1955 I was contacted and asked whether I would be interested in collaborating with Francis Neilson in a revision and expansion of his book The Makers of War, first published in 1950 and then out of print. The opportunity to work with so eminent a revisionist as Mr. Neilson, author of such…

Albert Speer and the ‘Holocaust’

Albert Speer may ultimately be best remembered as the only high German wartime official to be “rehabilitated” during his lifetime and even profit handsomely from his once-powerful position. The one-time Hitler confidant and Reich Armaments Minister escaped the hangman’s noose at Nuremberg by adopting an unusual defense strategy. While maintaining that he personally knew nothing…

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