Töben, Fredrick

German in origin, Dr. Fredrick Töben was raised in Australia as an Australian citizen, and speaks both English and German. Becoming interested in exonerating the German people from the anti-German racism of the Holocaust legend, he at first edited a revisionist journal called Truth Missions, which was later renamed Adelaide Institute Newsletter. He then broadened out to establish Australia's revisionist website, Adelaide Institute. He has personally visited the site of Auschwitz and burrowed under the ruins of the alleged gas chamber, being unable to find the four holes in the roof which were supposedly used to throw in gas pellets. He conducted regular dialogue with Exterminationists. Töben was arrested during an April 1999 visit with Prosecutor Klein in Mannheim, Germany, for a private discussion on the Holocaust laws in Germany, which make it mandatory to accept the entire Holocaust story. He was subsequently sentenced to 9 months imprisonment.

Censorship Ordered Against Adelaide Institute Website

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell An Australian commission ordered that the Adelaide Institute stop publishing Holocaust revisionist material on their Website. The curiously named Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission does not support freedom of speech when it comes to revisionist material. The Commission ordered Dr. Frederick Toben to remove all…

Dr. Fredrick Töben imprisoned in “Democratic” Germany

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Dr. Fredrick Töben, Director of the Adelaide Institute was arrested and imprisoned in Mannheim, Germany on Thursday, April 8, 1999 on the charge of “defaming the memory of the dead.” Current German law allows for the suppression of freedom of speech. Dr. Töben was arrested after…

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