By Carlo Mattogno, Thomas Kues, Jürgen Graf-
Our answer to the paper “Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard,” which was authored by the above-mentioned five gentlemen, is now ready. It is much longer than originally planned (about 800 pages). As one of Mattogno’s chapters still has to be translated into English, we will not be able to publish our text before January.
12 December 2012
Thomas Kues was born in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 1981. He has an academic background in literature, linguistics and translation, and is fluent in several languages, including English, German, Dutch and Japanese. He was professionally active as a freelance translator, and was privately active as a revisionist writer between 2007 and 2014. He is the author of many papers related to holocaust revisionism, chiefly concerning the Aktion Reinhardt camps (Bełżec, Sobibór, Treblinka). Together with Jürgen Graf and Carlo Mattogno, he has co-authored the study Sobibór: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality (HH Vol. 19). He was also a frequent contributor to the periodicals Inconvenient History and Smith's Report. When searching for evidence in Eastern European archives of Jews deported to the East during WWII, he received serious threats to his livelihood and life in the mid-2010s. Hence, he decided to change his identity and drop out.
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