Year: 2012

Sir Henry Strakosch “a Jew”?

In vol. 5 of his biography Winston S. Churchill, published in 1976, historian Martin Gilbert relates the working relationship that existed during the 30s between Churchill and the South African economist and gold mining executive Sir Henry Strakosch. Most of the figures on German armaments that Churchill brought to the House of Commons and publicized…

Thanksgiving in Jail

On Wednesday, the final day in this round of Revisionist publisher Ernst Zündel’s detention hearing before Mr. Justice Pierre Blais, Donald MacIntosh, the Crown Attorney, talked out the clock, ensuring that Mr. Zündel will remain in prison for another 13 weeks until the hearings resume for three days on December 10 [2003]. Hour after hour,…

The Double Agent

In May of 1993 great doings were afoot at Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Physics in Stuttgart. One of the young PhD candidates there had become involved in a scandal, which was making news throughout Germany. The name of the PdD candidate was Germar Rudolf, the author of these lines. My scandalous activity consisted of…

The Fate of Joel Hayward in New Zealand Hands

For the past three years, newspapers, national periodical publications and television programmes have intermittently provided coverage about the Joel Hayward affair: a story of a New Zealand student who wrote a controversial thesis. Contestable work and arguable conclusions are not uncommon in modern universities but Hayward's unpublished work as a student seems to remain, after…

The “Holocaust': 120 Questions and Answers

Table of Contents Map Showing Main Territorial Changes in Europe, March 1938 to May 1941. Foreword. Definitions and Semantic Development of the Term “Holocaust” (Q:1). Importance of the Problem (Q:2-3). Cui Bono? Motives for Propagating the Extermination Thesis (Q:4-7). Coming to Grips with the Extermination Thesis (Q:8-14). Background History of European Jewry (Q:15-53). The Case…

Foreign Workers in the Third Reich

Between 1997 and 2001, a broad media campaign occurred in Germany reporting about the widespread use of so-called forced laborers in Germany during the Third Reich period. These people were brought into the German Reich from German-occupied territories allegedly against their free will, and it is claimed that these persons were exploited and treated inhumanely….

Professor Robert Faurisson in Sweden, 1992

An presentation by French revisionist Prof. Dr. Robert Faurisson. Length: 118 minutes 7 seconds. Among the topics treated by Pr. Robert Faurisson Comments on his 'hot reception' at the Stockholm airport and on numerous previous attacks he was submitted in France from Jewish organizations. Pr. Faurisson exposes his views on revisionism by starting with his…

Genocide by Shovel and Sewing Machine

Michael Thad Allen, The Business of Genocide: The SS, Slave Labor and the Concentration Camps, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC, 2002, 377 pp., hardcover, $39.95. Michael Thad Allen is assistant professor of modern German history and the history of technology at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Despite its burlesque title,…

Letters to the Editor

In General To the Editor: World War II is the biggest war that has ever happened. Therefore it is necessary that an honest objective investigation be carried out by our government as to the true cause of this unfortunate war. Everything that is taught about this war and all the material that is available to…

Revisionist Notebook

Boneheads at Auschwitz Museum Admit to Faking “Original State” of Auschwitz Gas Chamber. For the best part of half a century the official guides who work at the Auschwitz Museum have told visitors from around the world that the “gas chamber” at Auschwitz I is in its “original state.” That's the one everyone visits. No…

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