Year: 2012

Percy L. Greaves, Jr., 1906-1984

Veteran Pearl Harbor revisionist and IHR Editorial Advisory Committee member Percy L. Greaves, Jr., died of cancer on 13 August 1984, 11 days short of what would have been his 78th birthday. A highlight of Mr. Greaves’s long and distinguished career in both the private and public sectors was his service as Chief of Minority…

Plato’s Dialectic v. Hegel and Marx: An Evaluation of Five Revolutions

The main source of Plato's dialectic was of course the legendary Socrates, who, because he left no literary written legacy, has become a largely legendary figure like Jesus. For a record of Socrates the popular soldier one reads Xenophon. An insight into Socrates the sophist, who believed in the old Sumerian pedagogical adage that a…

Quiet Neighbors

Quiet Neighbors: Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in America by Alan A. Ryan, Jr. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace, and Jovanovich, 1984, 386pp, $15.95, ISBN 0-15-175823-9. It's been six years since the Office of Special Investigations was established in the Justice Department to gather up the few loose ends remaining after Operation Keelhaul and similar actions…

Rauschning’s Phony “Conversations With Hitler': An Update

One of the most widely quoted sources of information about Hitler's personality and secret intentions is the supposed memoir of Hermann Rauschning, the National Socialist President of the Danzig Senate in 1933-1934 who was ousted from the Hitler movement a short time later and then made a new life for himself as a professional anti-Nazi….

Reflections on Auschwitz and West German Justice

My booklet, The Auschwitz Lie, has become an under-the-counter bestseller. It has appeared in French, Spanish, Dutch, Danish and even Hungarian, as well as in several English language editions. Actually, there's nothing very remarkable about The Auschwitz Lie except that it was written by someone who was in Auschwitz and who recorded his experiences and…

Revisionism On Trial: Developments in France, 1979-1983

To Ditlieb Felderer For a period of four years my publisher, Pierre Guillaume, his friends, and I faced considerable difficulties because of our common opinion about the myth of the gas chambers and the genocide of the Jews. Among those difficulties was first and foremost judicial repression. That repression has not yet ended. During those…

Ronald Reagan’s Political and Cultural Folklore

This article focuses on the American dominant culture’s world view implicit in Ronald Reagan’s politics. Taking a New Left approach to cultural history, it assumes that proletarians, rural people, and “pre-modern” people are not the only social groups who have a folklore; that the American dominant culture also has a folklore; that if New Left…

The Discovery of Insulin

The Priority of N.C. Paulescu in the Discovery of Insulin by Ion Pavel. Bucharest: Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania, 1976, 251pp, 13.50 Lei. No award is more highly regarded around the world than the Nobel Prize. It is the most coveted recognition of exceptional achievement in the major fields of human endeavor. Despite…

'The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry’: An Exchange

Editor’s Note: Earlier this year Mr. John Bennett, head of the Australian Civil Liberties Union, sent a copy of Walter N. Sanning’s 1983 book The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry to Dr. W. D. Rubinstein of the School of Social Sciences at Deakin University, Victoria, Australia. Professor Rubinstein has been a leading Australian critic of…

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