Month: April 2013

Doug Collins Dies at 81

Doug Collins, award-winning journalist, staunch defender of freedom of speech, and friend of historical revisionism, died on September 29, 2001, after a brief illness. He was eighty-one. He is survived by his wife, three adult sons, and seven grand-children. From 1984 until his retirement in 1997 his regular column in the North Shore News of…

The Shoah: Fictive Images and Mere Belief?

Robert Faurisson’s trailblazing essay “Le ‘problème des chambres à gaz,’” first appeared in Le Monde in 1978. The photography exposition “Mémoire des camps,” currently on view in Paris at the seventeenth century palace known as the Hôtel de Sully, is stirring disquiet in some Jewish circles. This exposition, from which care has been taken to…

The Holocaust in American Life

The Holocaust in American Life by Peter Novick. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1999. Hardcover. 373 pages. $27.00. Index, source references. Promotion of Holocaust claims has been a boom industry of late, considering the run-away best-seller by Daniel Goldhagen (which claimed that all Germans were responsible for mass executions of Jews), the financial extortion of…

The Basement Showers of Crematorium III

Samuel Crowell is the pen name of an American writer who describes himself as a “moderate revisionist.” At the University of California (Berkeley) he studied philosophy, foreign languages (including German, Polish, Russian, and Hungarian), and history, including Russian, German,and German-Jewish history. He continued his study of history at Columbia University. For six years he worked…

Not Quite the Hitler Diaries

Gestapo Chief: The 1948 Interrogation of Heinrich Müller by Gregory Douglas. San Jose, CA: R. James Bender, 1995. Hardcover. 283 pages. $35.95. Bibliography, index, illustrations. Gestapo Chief, more than seventy thousand copies of which have reportedly been sold, is the product of an inventive mind and much hard work. It purports to present long-suppressed secret…

Making Room for the Revisionists

The Holocaust in American Life by Peter Novick. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1999. Hardcover. 373 pages. $27.00. Index, source references. The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman Finkelstein. London, New York: Verso, 2000. Hardcover. 150 pages. Index. Samuel Crowell is the pen name of an American writer who describes…

Lying about Hitler

Lying about Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trial, by Richard J. Evans. New York: Basic Books, 2001. Hardcover. 318 pp. Doubtless one of the more memorable episodes from last year’s libel trial of David Irving v. Deborah Lipstadt was the lengthy clash between Irving, acting as his own attorney, and expert witness Richard…


Nothing to It In the September-October 2000 issue of the Journal, Costas Zaverdinos writes: Regarding Chelmno and the “gas vans,” Irving was more explicit: “I have repeatedly allowed that [Jews] were killed in gas vans” – and he included Yugoslavia among the places where such vans were used. A dramatic moment in the proceedings came…

From the Editor

There are different kinds of revisionism, and different sorts of revisionists. That’s no news to veteran revisionists. In fact, the diversity of opinion among revisionists has been far more troubling to the wardens of opinion on the Holocaust and other historical taboos than to the revisionist movement. Ernst Zündel’s association with Jews such as Josef…

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