Month: May 2014

Inconvenient History: Latest Stats

Inconvenient History:A Quarterly Journal For Free Historical Inquiry The report shows a comparison of the first quarter of 2014 vs. the first quarter of 2013. The most important stat is Unique Visitors, up 46.99% for a total of 58,710 new visitors! The Latest Stats Visits: 277.975 vs. 196,063 Unique Visitors: 183,659 vs. 124,949 Page Views:…

First they came for the Holocaust Deniers and I said nothing—Because I am not a Holocaust Denier

April 20 2014 I was thinking, of course, that it's far from the first time that Yoorop (Dutch law) has decided to go against free speech. Although various thoughts have been declared illegal, Holocaust denial is the most salient both because it's the most common and because it's enforced for real. Now these laws are…

Censored Language and the Mind-Prison of the Group

The bottom-line goal of all social constructs is convincing individuals they are, first and foremost, part of a group. If this strategy for control succeeds, then criminals and hustlers of every stripe can peddle their stench-ridden wares. To groups. The collective is, above all, a funnel into which propaganda can be poured, like swamp water….

Interview: Wilf Heink

By Richard A. Widmann- Widmann: For readers who may not know you, could you explain how you first became involved in historical revisionism? Heink: I was born in 1937, in Germany, a long story and not the issue here. In 1959 my wife and I, along with our 1-year-old son, moved to Canada. At first,…

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