Month: January 2017

Denying Denial

[ Editor’s Note: The Ernst Zündel trial, where both David Irving and Fred Leuchter were witnesses, is something I had a front row seat on, having known Ingrid and Ernst for a long time now. The Holohoax Lobby went down in flames from that court case, as it got massive publicity. Sure… the Lobby folks…

The Most Anti-Semitic Incident of 2016

Revisionists have long been the target of a smear campaign alleging that our questioning the most extreme and impossible propaganda tales is “anti-Semitic” and we should be all thrown in jail. The governments of Europe have kindly obliged and have criminalized expressing doubt about any aspect of the Holocaust. Our warnings to free speech groups,…

A Question of What is “Offensive.” Chabloz v. House Wives of ISIS

British Broadcast Company has ignored the potentially significant prosecution of Alison Chabloz. She being criminally charged for posting an allegedly “grossly offensive” video making fun of the exploitation of the Holocaust, (she called Auschwitz a “theme park” and sang about some very questionable survivor tales.) Guess what, the BBC has gone into “fringe” comedy itself with its…

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