Auschwitz: A Three‐Quarter Century of Propaganda
Book Announcement
Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz: A Three-Quarter Century of Propaganda. Origins, Development and Decline of the “Gas Chamber” Propaganda Lie, Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2018, 116 pages, 5”×8” paperback, b&w illustrated, bibliography, index, ISBN 978-1-59148-152-2. Online at; the entire book is included in Number 3 of this volume.
On occasion of the 60the anniversary of the Auschwitz Camp’s capture by the red Army on January 27, 1945, Italian revisionist scholar Carlo Mattogno wrote a lengthy essay on 60 years of gas-chamber propaganda surrounding this camp. It was published online in Italian and English (the latter translated by Carlos Porter), and a German translation by Jürgen Graf appeared in the German-language periodical Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung,[1] which became defunct in 2006.
In late 2017, Castle Hill approached Carlo Mattogno to have the English translation of his paper published as a book in an updated, expanded and illustrated edition. Carlo agreed, and promptly submitted numerous changes and additions to that new version. The book was released in January 2018. The following text succinctly summarizes the book’s contents.
During the war, wild rumors were circulating about the infamous Auschwitz Camp: that the Germans were testing new war gases there; that inmates were murdered in batches of thousands in electrocution chambers, with gas showers, or by pneumatic hammer systems; that living people were sent on conveyor belts directly into cremation furnaces, similar to this scene invented by Steven Spielberg for his movie Schindler’s list. Nothing of it was true.
The situation didn’t change when the Soviets captured Auschwitz in early 1945 either. They combined the false electrocution and conveyor-belt rumors to an equally false story of an electrocution conveyor belt dumping corpses into blast furnaces. They moreover claimed a total of four million Auschwitz victims. In 1991, however, that four-million-figure was officially admitted to have been a lie as well.
Eyewitnesses and so-called court experts testifying after the war added more fantastic rumors to the confusion, one even insanely claiming that the Auschwitz crematoria could have cremated as many as 400 million corpses during their short existence!

This book gives an overview of the origins of these and other rumors, myths and lies about Auschwitz spread mostly during and right after the war. Today’s mainstream historians want to sweep most of these stories under the rug, hoping that no one will notice. By cherry-picking witness claims and ignoring the material and documented facts, these court historians, instead, try to peddle a “cleansed” version of Auschwitz which, as this book succinctly explains, is just as untrue.
This 116-page booklet is a perfect introduction for all those who want to have the creation of the Auschwitz Myth explained in a nutshell. Editor’s Note: The current edition can be purchased as print book, e-book and audio book from Armreg Ltd:
[1] “Auschwitz – 60 Jahre Propaganda,” Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung, Vol. 9, No. 2, November 2005, pp. 167-187.
Bibliographic information about this document: Inconvenient History, 10(2) (2018)
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