
At the moment, we distinguish between two different kinds of videos:

  • Chats &: Interviews: These are casual monologues or dialogues on a variety of topics, but usually focusing on history and free speech.
  • Documentaries and lectures: These are presentations of scholarly style and contents, again with the same focus.

Pick the subcategory you want in order to sort the videos into one of those categories.

Chats & Interviews | Documentaries

Auschwitz Forensically Examined

Auschwitz Forensically Examined. Jim Rizoli of looks at the book "Auschwitz Forensically Examined" by Cyrus Cox in this 16 minute video. Jim explains the situation with the various forensic examinations at Auschwitz, including the superlative report by execution consultant, Fred Leuchter. Jim reviews the various investigations and comments on each one.

Ernst Zündel: The Holocaust Debate Hits the Mainstream (1993)

Ernst Zündel The Holocaust Debate Hits the Mainstream (1993) In this video (28 minutes) Ernst Zündel (1939 – 2017) tells how the influcence of the Great Holocau$t Trial, meant the debate on the "holocau$t" hit the mainstream press in North America and Europe. The Great Holocau$t Trial showed Holoco$t experts shown to be know-nothings, "witnesses" to be witlesses,…

They Won't Forget (1937) Mary Phagan Leo Frank ADL Bnai Brith (1:34:16)

This video (one hour 34 minutes) shows how Hollywood can take a story and twist it so its the same story, but with a different target. An American Journalist, Ward Greene (1892 – 1956), (an descendant of General Nathanael Greene) reported on the trial of Leo Frank, a Jew for the murder of a little…

The Persecution of Revisionists The Holocaust Unveiled By Mark Farrel 2006

The Persecution of Revisionists, the "Holocaust" Unveiled, 2006 (1 hour and 11 minutes). Mark Farrel, shows what happens to those people who dare to question the "Holocaust" atrocity lie. Those who have done so, have been murdered, crippled, attacked with acid, physically assaulted, their businesses destroyed, their names smeared, subjected to legal persecution, even forbidden…

No Holes No Holocaust

No Holes No Holocaust In this seven and half minute video, Jim Rizoli shows pictures of the roof of Crematorium No 1 at Auschwitz I, in 1945 and at the present time.  The room below was supposedly the “gas chamber”. The difference is obvious – the 1945 photo shows no holes in the roof, while…

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