
Some 20% of post-war Polish territory is made up of former German lands; hence, some 20% of today’s Polish towns and cities once bore German names. All place names have long since been Polonized – all, except for one town, which displays bilingual entry signs: Auschwitz. Ethnically speaking, Oswiecim was never German. So why would the fiercely nationalistic Poles retain the Germanized name? Because it is big business. For the world at large, Auschwitz is synonymous with the Holocaust, and it represents the pinnacle of Nazi evil. Yet here we do not focus on the symbol which Auschwitz has become, but on the Auschwitz camp and its numerous satellite camps, such as Birkenau, Monowitz, Harmense, Raisko, etc.

Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers

Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, by Jean-Claude Pressac. Preface by Beate and Serge Klarsfeld. New York: Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, 1989. 564 pages, paperbound, $100. This useful and enlightening work by French pharmacist Jean-Claude Pressac is an ambitious defense of the Auschwitz extermination story against growing criticism from Holocaust Revisionists. The author and…

The First Gassing at Auschwitz: Genesis of a Myth

Introduction The story of the Auschwitz gas chambers begins, notoriously, with the experimental gassing of approximately 850 individuals, which supposedly took place in the underground cells of Block 11 within the main camp on September 3, 1941. Danuta Czech in Kalendarium der Ereignisse im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz-Birkenau (Calendar of Events in the Concentration Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau), describes…

The End of a Myth

Despite the May 11 conviction of Revisionist activist and publisher Ernst Zündel in Toronto for “knowingly and injuriously spreading a false report,” the second trial of Ernst Zündel was a Pyrrhic victory for Holocaust Exterrninationists. As in Zündel’s 1985 trial, Revisionist scholars and researchers presented a mass of new evidence against the Holocaust legend, evidence…

Crematoriums II and III of Birkenau

Material, criticism, and suggestions furnished by the Italian investigator Carlo Mattogno have been of great value to me in the completion of this study. The author, however, assumes sole responsibility for any errors or shortcomings which may be noted in the following pages. I. Introduction Until a few years ago, it was a matter of…

The Gas Chambers of Auschwitz Appear to be Physically Inconceivable

Zyklon B is a hydrocyanic acid that is given off by evaporation. It is used for the disinfection of ships, silos and dwellings as well as for the destruction of pests. It is still manufactured today in Frankfurt-on-Main. It is sold in Western Europe, in Eastern Europe, in the United States and nearly everwhere in…

Auschwitz and the Allies / The Terrible Secret

The Terrible Secret: Suppression of the Truth about Hitler's “Final Solution”, by Walter Laqueur, Little, Brown and Company, 262pp, $12.95, ISBN 0-316-51474-8 Auschwitz and the Allies, by Martin Gilbert, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 368pp, $15.95, ISBN 0-03-059284-4 According to a German proverb recorded for posterity by H.L. Mencken, “It takes a great many shovelfuls to…

Book Reviews

Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers, by Filip Müller, Stein & Day, 180pp, hardback $10.85. ISBN: 0-8128-2601-9.In the German Mills of Death 1941-1945, by Petro Mirchuk, Vantage, 217pp, hardback, $6.95. ISBN: 0-533-01908-7.Playing for Time, by Fania Fenelon, Berkley, 289pp, paperback, $2.50. ISBN: 0-425-04199-9. These three books are of interest to the modern Revisionist…

The Mechanics of Gassing

Among all those who make statements, speeches, or use sentences in which the expression “gas chamber” appears, how many of those people actually know what they are talking about? It has not taken me very long to realize that many people commit one of the most glaring errors. These people imagine a “gas chamber” as…

Lids and openings

Let us now examine the various claims made about the “lids and openings” in the ceilings of the “gas chambers” and compare the allegations with the forensic reality, and with each other. We notice first of all that here, as with other such matters, an evolutionary process is in progress. At first the allegations were…

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