
The Mauthausen camp (including numerous satellite camps like Gusen) was the largest German concentration camp in Austria with one of the highest death tolls of all German camps. It regimen was the toughest of all the camps owing to its inmates being categorized as “hardened criminals” and/or “incorrigible enemies” of the German authorities. A homicidal gas chamber is said to have been deployed there as well.

The Lüftl Report

In March 1992, a prominent Austrian engineer made headlines when a report he had written about alleged German wartime gas chambers was made public. Walter Lüftl concluded in his controversial report, “Holocaust: Belief and Facts,” that the well-known stories of mass extermination of Jews in gas chambers at the wartime camps of Auschwitz and Mauthausen…

The Second Leuchter Report

FOREWORD Fred A. Leuchter is a 46-year old engineer who lives in Boston. He is a specialist in planning and building execution facilities for American penitentiaries. One of his achievements was the modernization of the execution gas chamber in the penitentiary at Jefferson City, Missouri. Ernst Zündel is a 50-year-old German who lives in Toronto,…

The General in the Ice Block

The following passage, headed “East European Monuments in Austria,” has been taken from pp. 20 and 21 of the 1/2002 edition of the International Municipal Forum Graz (Internationales Städteforum Graz): “Another type of East European commemorative plaques is that at locations of former concentrations camps set up by the Third Reich. In the former Mauthausen…

The Leuchter Reports

The “Holocaust” is often characterized as the greatest crime in the history of mankind. Yet for 44 years not a single forensic investigation into this alleged crime has ever been undertaken. This changed in 1988, when Fred A. Leuchter, at that time the only U.S. expert for execution technologies, was asked by German-Canadian Ernst Zündel…

More on Mauthausen and the Genesis of the Mass Gassings Allegation

By Thomas Kues In a previous article [1] I have discussed the monthly radio broadcasts in German that the famous novelist Thomas Mann made during the war and the mentions of mass gassings of Jews made in them. Most significantly, in his speech from January 1942 the Nobel laureate in exile claimed that “Four hundred…

Thomas Mann’s War-time Radio Speeches and the Genesis of the Mass Gassing Allegations

By Thomas Kues Thomas Mann (b. 1875) is one of the most well known German writers of the 20th century, famous for among others the novels Buddenbrooks, Tonio Kröger, Death in Venice and The Magic Mountain. In 1905 he married the Jewess Katia Pringsheim. In 1929 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Already…

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