
By its victim count, Treblinka is by far the largest and probably most notorious of the four “Aktion Reinhardt” camps, which according to orthodox historiography served as “pure extermination camps” for the mass murder of Jews in gas chambers. The other camps are: Belzec, Chelmno/Kulmhof, and Sobibór.

The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt”

Ever since the authors of the present study started publishing, together or separately, thorough studies about the most prominent German camps of the WWII era which are generally referred to as extermination camps, orthodox historians have made it a point to intentionally ignore these studies which they seem unable to refute. This eerie silence ended…

How to ‘investigate’ the Holocaust, or: How not to do a proper investigation.

Recently I came across an article by Dr. Caroline Sturdy Colls, titled: Holocaust Archaeology: Archaeological Approaches to Landscapes of Nazi Genocide and Persecution (Journal of Conflict Archaeology Vol. 7, No. 2, 2012, 70-104) Dr. Sturdy Colls latest archaeological undertaking was centered on Treblinka, the “Nazi” camp in Poland where some 800,000 Jews had allegedly…

Treblinka Ground Radar Examination Finds No Trace of Mass Graves

A detailed forensic examination of the site of the wartime Treblinka camp, using sophisticated electronic ground radar, has found no evidence of mass graves there. For six days in October 1999, an Australian team headed by Richard Krege, a qualified electronics engineer, carried out an examination of the soil at the site of the former…

Third and last communiqué about our answer to MM. Harrison, Mühlenkamp, Myers, Romanov and Terry

By Carlo Mattogno, Thomas Kues, Jürgen Graf- Our answer to the paper “Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard,” which was authored by the above-mentioned five gentlemen, is now ready. It is much longer than originally planned (about 800 pages). As one of Mattogno’s chapters still has to be translated into English, we will not be able…


Treblinka is widely regarded as the second most important German wartime extermination center. Only Auschwitz-Birkenau is supposed to have claimed more lives. Treblinka became the focus of worldwide attention in 1987-1988 during the 14-month trial in Jerusalem of John (Ivan) Demjanjuk, a Ukrainian-born American factory worker. As Treblinka's “Ivan the Terrible,” Demjanjuk supposedly operated the…

Abraham Bomba, Barber of Treblinka

I have now seen the complete nine and one half hour documentary, Shoah, which purports to be “An Oral History of the Holocaust.” It was produced, directed, narrated and is now being promoted by Claude Lanzmann. From the newspapers I gather that Lanzmann is an assimilated French Jew who speaks neither Hebrew nor Yiddish. He…

'Holocaust” Pharmacology vs. Scientific Pharmacology

The Death Camp Treblinka: A Documentary, edited by Alexander Donat, Holocaust Library, New York, 320pp, hardback, $9.95, ISBN: 0-89604-009-7 This book is presented as a documentary, and indeed is catalogued as such in the Library of Congress Index. The editor has authored only ten pages of the text, the rest is a collection of testimonies…

Auschwitz Notebook

Throughout all these years, the Exterminationists have continued to peddle the claim that there was a definite attempt by National Socialist Germany to exterminate all Jews and so they proffer the “Gerstein Statement” in support of their theory which popularly has been dubbed the “Holocaust.” The “Gerstein Statement” was supposedly written by Kurt Gerstein, a…

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