
The German concentration camp system in general. In its sub-categories you can find contributions focusing on certain camps.

The Number of Victims of Auschwitz

For the German original article, click here. In 1945 the Soviet investigative committee counted four million victims of the National Socialist labor and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau – a product of war propaganda. The commandant of the camp, Höß, spoke of three million victims under pressure and withdrew his statement. How many people indeed fell victim…

Auschwitz, 27 Gennaio 1945 – 27 Gennaio 2005: Sessant’anni di propaganda

1) Le menzogne propagandistiche già cadute nell’oblio Il 27 gennaio 1945 le avanguardie sovietiche della 100a Divisione di Fanteria, appartenente alla 60a armata del I Fronte Ucraino, giunsero nel complesso Auschwitz-Birkenau, ormai abbandonato dalle SS. La propaganda sovietica si mise immediatamente all’opera, facendo subito eco, per eccesso di zelo, alle storie più strampalate che circolavano…

Critique of the Matt Cockerill vs. Thomas Dalton Debate, Part 4

Matt Cockerill and Thomas Dalton had a debate on the Holocaust which can be found at This article discusses Matt’s evidence for the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. It also discusses the cremation capacity at Auschwitz-Birkenau, as well as other evidence that Matt produces in this debate concerning Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Robert Jan van Pelt: “The Case for Auschwitz”

British historian David Irving was viciously smeared by the media after his testimony at the 1988 Ernst Zündel false-news trial in Toronto. As part of the smear campaign against Irving, Deborah Lipstadt writes in her book Denying the Holocaust that “on some level Irving seems to conceive himself as carrying on Hitler’s legacy.” David Irving filed a libel suit against Deborah Lipstadt in British courts to attempt to end these and other similar statements. Canadian-Jewish architectural historian Robert Jan van Pelt was hired by Lipstadt’s defense team to act as an expert witness for Lipstadt’s defense. Van Pelt wrote for this trial a 700-page report addressing the historical and forensic evidence for the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. He subsequently wrote the book, The Case for Auschwitz, which presents the bulk of the evidence he submitted in his expert report for this trial. This article discusses some weaknesses in van Pelt’s research which was designed to discredit David Irving’s views of the “Holocaust.”

Viktor Emil Frankl in Auschwitz

In 2001, the Journal of Historical Review published a short article penned by Theodore O’Keefe about the famous Austrian psychologist Viktor Frankl.[1] On the basis of statements by Frankl and of research by orthodox historians, O’Keefe showed that Frankl was not particularly truthful in his recollections about his stay at the Auschwitz Camp. In response…

Auschwitz Doctor Hans Münch Interviewed

During his lifetime, the former Auschwitz camp physiciaon Dr. Hans Münch was a prominent witness to the alleged mass exterminations said to have happened at Auschwitz during the war. He was always willing to testify in court, to give interviews to mass-media outlets, and to cooperate with organizations of former inmates. He eagerly confirmed all the cliches contained in the Auschwitz narrative popular amongst mainstream journalists and scholars alike. This interview gets to the bottom of what Dr. Münch really knew about Auschwitz, and what the sources of his "knowledge" were.

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

The Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, located not far from Berlin, plays a small but lucrative role in the orthodoxy's arsenal of re-educational tools. Wartime documents from the Sachsenhausen Camp make it possible to determine extremely precisely the camp’s occupancy as well as its inmate mortality during the war. The Sachsenhausen case reveals the methods of Soviet atrocity propaganda during the immediate postwar period.

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