Pressac, Jean-Claude

Once a revisionist, Pressac changed sides in the mid-1980s, when he started writing mainstream papers and books claiming to confirm the homicidal nature of the notorious Auschwitz camp. Although Pressac never addressed any revisionist argument directly, his works were clearly aimed at refuting them. Yet as the papers in this section show, Pressac’s efforts fail to convince.

Bomb Shelters in Birkenau: A Reappraisal

“In Memoriam!” Introduction A few years ago the argument began to emerge that the various gastight fixtures of the Birkenau crematoria were best explained in terms of protection against chemical warfare. The first exploration in this area was by Arthur R. Butz of Northwestern University, whose “Vergasungskeller” article of July 1996 argued that the basement…

The Gassed People of Auschwitz: Pressac’s New Revisions

Regarding “Le macchine dello sterminio Auschwitz 1941-1945”; the Italian book purporting to be a translation of the original French book by Jean-Claude Pressac, “Les Crematoires d'Auschwitz: La machinerie du meuertre de masse.” 1. The New Thesis of Jean-Claude Pressac In the section headed The Extermination of Hungarian Jews in our study, Auschwitz: The End of…

The Leuchter Report Vindicated

In early 1988, American execution hardware expert Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., carried out the first-ever forensic investigation of the alleged extermination gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek. His sensational conclusion – that these structures were never used as gas chambers to kill people – set off an international controversy that is still continuing. In…

The Unreliability of Documents in Jean-Claude Pressac’s Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Ga

There are documents, and then there are documents. Some documents are better than others. Original documents, for example, are more valuable than documents that are not original, particularly when you want to prove murder. Original documents are even more important when you want to prove mass murder. This is pretty complicated stuff, our holocaust historians…

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