HCN (Zyklon B)

Although many methods are said to have been used by the Nazis to murder people in gas chambers, hydrogen cyanide in the form of Zyklon B is one of the most frequently referred to poisons claimed to have been used to this end. The contributions here deal with these Zyklon B-operated homicidal gas chambers in camps such as Auschwitz, Birkenau, Stutthof, Majdanek, Dachau and other places.

The Real Case for Auschwitz

In 1993 Jewish theologian Deborah Lipstadt called British historian David Irving a “Holocaust denier.” Irving sued her for libel in return. Subsequently a court case unfolded in England which attracted the attention of the world’s mass media in 2000. The sharpest weapon in Lipstadt’s defense arsenal was Jewish art historian Robert van Pelt, who presented…

Auschwitz: The First Gassing

Mainstream historians claim that the very first gassing of 850 human beings at Auschwitz occurred on Sept. 3, 1941, in the basement of building no. 11 of the Auschwitz main camp. It is supposed to have lasted 15 hours, followed by another two days of ventilation and removal of the corpses. But when analyzing all…

Concentration Camp Majdanek

Amazingly, little scientific investigation has been directed toward the concentration camp Lublin-Majdanek in central Poland, even though orthodox Holocaust sources have claimed that between fifty thousand and over a million Jews were murdered there. Until the appearance of this present work, the only works on Majdanek available have been propaganda pieces written by historians serving…

Auschwitz: Plain Facts

With two major works on the Auschwitz concentration camp, French pharmacist Jean-Claude Pressac tried to refute revisionists with their own technical methods. Whereas his first work remained rather obscured, Pressac's second book on The Technique of Mass Murder was praised by the mainstream in Europe, and they proclaimed victory over the revisionists. But they did…

The Leuchter Reports

The “Holocaust” is often characterized as the greatest crime in the history of mankind. Yet for 44 years not a single forensic investigation into this alleged crime has ever been undertaken. This changed in 1988, when Fred A. Leuchter, at that time the only U.S. expert for execution technologies, was asked by German-Canadian Ernst Zündel…

Critique of the A.R. Butz article “Gas Detectors in Auschwitz Crematorium II”

In the September-October 1997 issue of The Journal of Historical Review appeared an article by Arthur Butz entitled: “Gas Detectors in Auschwitz Crematory II” (pp. 24-30) which deserves to be examined. Concerning “gasprüfer” at Auschwitz, Dr. Arthur Butz has devised an indisputably original hypothesis which he summarizes as follows : It is certain the Topf…

Zyklon B and Gas Chambers

In The Hoax of the Twentieth Century I remarked that typhus was a great killer for the Germans in World War I, giving a reference published shortly after that war.[1] The typhus of World War I, like that of World War II, was carried by lice. In response to this specific problem, the German company…

Some Technical and Chemical Considerations about the “Gas Chambers” of Auschwitz and Birkenau

1. Introduction Prior to the Leuchter Report[1] no scientific studies of any significance had ever been conducted about the homicidal 'gas chambers'[2] of Auschwitz and Majdanek, which is astonishing in view of the importance of the topic. Even in the great Auschwitz Trial in Frankfurt in the mid-1960s, the expert reports that were commissioned had…

The Leuchter Report Vindicated

In early 1988, American execution hardware expert Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., carried out the first-ever forensic investigation of the alleged extermination gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek. His sensational conclusion – that these structures were never used as gas chambers to kill people – set off an international controversy that is still continuing. In…

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