

Australia Orders Censorship of Töben Web Site

An important legal battle is shaping up in Australia over an effort initiated by Jewish-Zionist groups to ban Internet web site writings that reject standard “Holocaust” extermination claims. In a landmark decision with international implications for freedom of speech, the government has ordered a leading Australian revisionist history resource center to remove from its site…

German Court Ruling Threatens Internet Freedom

In an ominous blow against on-line freedom of speech, Germany’s highest court declared on December 12, 2000, that German law banning “Holocaust denial” material applies even to foreigners who post such content on Internet web sites outside of the country, as long as the material is accessible in Germany. The federal supreme court in Karlsruhe,…

Germar Rudolf Joins Journal Advisory Committee

We are pleased to welcome Germar Rudolf, a leading revisionist writer and activist, as a member of this Journal’s Editorial Advisory Committee. He is perhaps best known as the author of The Rudolf Report, a detailed 1993 forensic study based on an on-site investigation, chemical analysis of samples and meticulous research, which concludes that the…

IHR Internet Web Site Offers Worldwide Access to Revisionism

On its own Internet web site, www.ihr.org, the Institute for Historical Review makes available an impressive selection of IHR material, including dozens of IHR Journal articles and reviews. It also includes a listing of every item that has ever appeared in this Journal, as well as the complete texts of The Zionist Terror Network, “The…

International Conference on Revisionism and Zionism Set for Beirut

Prominent scholars, researchers and activists will participate in a landmark international conference on “Revisionism and Zionism” in Beirut, Lebanon, March 31-April 3, 2001. The meeting reflects, and will further strengthen, growing cooperation between revisionist scholars in the West and in Muslim countries. The event is being organized by the Swiss revisionist organization Vérité et Justice,…


'Retail Politics' Recently I gave a batch of copies of Roger Garaudy's Founding Myths of Modern Israel to a friend, who has been passing them around. He gave one to an old friend, a retired Catholic priest who, as a young man, had been deeply impressed with Garaudy's views on Marxism and Catholicism. This priest's…

Children told to attack Germans

Click to enlarge Children told to attack Germans By Paul Peachey TO THE German school party stoned and accused of Nazism during a visit to Britain, the promise of a “warm and friendly” Cornish welcome rang a little hollow. Their trip to one of the county's best knovm landmarks, St Michael's Mount, ended in confrontation…

IHR Internet Web Site Offers Worldwide Access to Revisionism

On its own Internet web site, www.ihr.org, the Institute for Historical Review makes available an impressive selection of IHR material, including dozens of IHR Journal articles and reviews. It also includes a listing of every item that has ever appeared in this Journal, as well as the complete texts of The Zionist Terror Network, “The…


A Great Man David Irving seems convinced that his appeal of the judgement in the London Irving-Lipstadt libel case will succeed. [See the March-April 2000 Journal.] And while it would in any “pure” legal arena, I think the decision will go against him. The widely accepted view that British courts are somehow fairer or more…

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