

CODOH’s “Revisionist” Distribution Prompts Media Furor

Bradley Smith reports on his work at the Eleventh IHR Conference. Bradley Smith is back in the news. The veteran revisionist activist has touched off a major furor that has received nationwide newspaper and television attention with the distribution at Hofstra University in Long Island, New York, of his new 28-page magazine-format publication. He arranged…

German Court Sentences Australian Holocaust Skeptic

Fredrick Toben inside the “gas chamber” at the Auschwitz I main camp, April 1997. Dr. Fredrick Töben, an Australian scholar and educator, is free after seven months in German prison for having disputed Holocaust extermination allegations. He was taken into custody in Mannheim on April 8, 1999, and detained, without bail, until his trial in…


Perseverance I am deeply impressed with the IHR website. What a quality job you've done. The breadth and scope of it is daunting. The writing at the site is of such great quality, and the credentials are formidable. I've spent many hours here, and I'll spend many more. Thank you for your efforts. To carry…

New Evidence on the 1941 ‘Barbarossa’ Attack: Why Hitler Attacked Soviet Russia When He Did

wwii/prelude/USSRThe Journal of Historical Review, vol. 18, no. 3 (May/June), pp. 40-45New Evidence on the 1941 ‘Barbarossa’ Attack: Why Hitler Attacked Soviet Russia When He DidDaniel W. Michaels Stalins Falle: Er wollte den Krieg (“Stalin’s Trap: He Wanted War”), by Adolf von Thadden. Rosenheim: Kultur und Zeitgeschichte/Archiv der Zeit, 1996. (Available from: Postfach 1180, 32352…

Wartime “Master Race” Photo Deceit

A common deception technique is to falsely caption or otherwise misrepresent an authentic photograph. Shown here is the front cover of a 1943 issue of the British magazine Parade, which was a tool of wartime Allied anti-German propaganda. It purports to show a disheveled and malevolent-looking German soldier, above the caption "Master Race." Derek Knight, an…

Bad News and the Good War

Joseph Sobran is a nationally-syndicated columnist, lecturer, author, and editor of the monthly newsletter Sobran's (P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183). This essay is reprinted from the August 1998 issue of Sobran's. Steven Spielberg's “Saving Private Ryan” is the most powerful movie I've seen in years. The opening sequence, already famous, shows the D-Day invasion…

Gerhard Förster

Gerhard Förster Gerhard Förster, a courageous Swiss publisher of revisionist books, died in his sleep during the night of September 22-23, 1998, in a home for the elderly in Baden, northern Switzerland. He was a co-defendant, with Jürgen Graf, in the “Holocaust denial” trial in Switzerland on July 16, 1998 – the most important legal…

Kennedy’s 1945 Visit to Germany

A youthful John F. Kennedy In late July and early August 1945, just weeks after the end of the war in Europe, the 28-year-old John F. Kennedy visited war-devastated Germany. Accompanying him on this tour was US Navy Secretary James Forrestal (whom President Truman later appointed as the first Secretary of Defense). Kennedy recorded his…

Polish Professor Under Fire for ‘Holocaust Denial’

Dariusz Ratajczak, a professor at the University of Opole in southern Poland, was suspended in April 1999 from his teaching post following protests over his book, “Dangerous Topics,” in which he writes sympathetically about revisionist scholarship disputing Holocaust claims. Jewish organizations lost no time in voicing alarm over the new book, which apparently is the…

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