

The Death and Life of the Mafia in Italy

James J. Martin graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 1942 and received his M.A. (1945) and Ph.D. (1949) degrees in history from the University of Michigan. His teaching career has spanned 25 years and involved residence at educational institutions from coast to coast. Dr. Martin's books have included the two-volume classic, American Liberalism…

Anne Frank

Anne Frank Known around the world for her famous diary, Anne Frank is perhaps the most commemorated “victim of the Holocaust.” On the fiftieth anniversary of her death, and of the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen camp where she died, she has been the subject of renewed attention. Translated into dozens of languages, more than 22…

Encyclopedic Work on Zündel “Holocaust Trial” an “Absolute Necessity'

Did Six Million Really Die?: Report of the Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel, 1988. Compiled and edited by Barbara Kulaszka. Foreword by Dr. Robert Faurisson. '!bronto: Samisdat, 1992. Softcover. Large format. 572 pages. Illustrations. Index. (Available from the IHR for $50.00, plus $2.75 shipping.) Charles E. Weber received a doctorate…

German Ban Lifted, then Reimposed, on Revisionist Work About German War Guilt

A German government ban on a revisionist book about the origins of the Second World War was lifted by the country's highest court, and then reimposed a few months later by a government censorship agency. In a legal struggle that's been going – on for 18 years, the Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe ruled on April…

'Irrefutable Response” Falls Flat

'The Good Old Days': The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders. Ernst Klee, Willi Dressen and Volker Riess, editors. Translated from the German by Deborah Burnstone. Foreword by Hugh Trevor-Roper. New York: Free Press, 1991. Hardcover. 334 pages. Photographs. Source references. Biographical appendix. Index. ISBN: 0 02 9174252 John Weir is a computer…

Irving Protests German Persecution of Holopaust Skeptics

As reported in the Jan.-Feb. 1995 Journal. one of France's most prestigious magazines, L'Express. now acknowledges that “everything is false” about the Auschwitz “gas chamber” that for decades has been shown to tens of thousands of tourists yearly. British historian David Irving has been fined 30,000 marks (about $21,000) by German courts for saying the…


Faurisson Comments on Irving, Goebbels and Pressac In the Jan-Feb. 1995 Journal (p. 15), David Irving quotes, as he does in his book Hitler's War, a handwritten note of Heinrich Himmler, dated Nov. 30, 1941, to Reinhard Heydrich. It reads: “Jew transport from Berlin. No liquidation.” This might induce some readers to think that this…

'Long May the Battle Flag Wave'

Thomas DiLorenzo is professor of economics at Loyola College in Baltimore, and an adjunct scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute (Auburn, Ala. 36849-5301). This essay is reprinted from the October 1994 issue of The Free Market, a monthly newsletter published by the Mises Institute. The NAACP is threatening to boycott South Carolina businesses unless…

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