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From the Records of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 5

A Potpourri of Lies Filip Müller is probably one of the best known witnesses who reported intensively about mass exterminations in the Birkenau camp.[1] Together with two other witnesses, Müller was tracked down by Hermann Langbein from the communist International Auschwitz Committee, and their statements were sent to the Stuttgart public prosecution on February 19,…

Shades of Gray in a Dark History

Walter D. Kennedy, Myths of American Slavery, Pelican Publishing Company, Gretna LA 2003, 234 pp., hc, photos, addenda, notes, bibliography and index, $24.95 “Slaves, in all things obey those who are your masters on earth, not with external service, as those who merely please men, but with the sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord.”—Colossians 3:22…

Some Hidden Legal Aspects of Concentration Camps

To the generations of people having grown up – like hot-house plants – in the suffocating atmosphere of Holocaust propaganda, it may come as a surprise to learn that concentration camps are not illegal, at least not under international law. There is nothing in international law prohibiting concentration camps, even today.[1] The following are a…

The Blue Color of the Jewish Victims at Belzec Death Camp – and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Editor's remark: The following paper challenges in a scholarly way statements repeatedly made by engineer Friedrich P. Berg. Even before the publication of Mr. Provan's paper, Mr. Berg was invited to write a paper addressing the issues raised in it, which was meant to be published right after Provan's challenge. Mr. Berg rejected the invitation…

What happened to the Jews in Poland?

It belongs to general education to know that the National Socialist regime exterminated about six million Jews, about three million thereof being Polish Jews. The Holocaust supposedly implies that only a fraction of the German Jews and the French Jews were exterminated and less than half of the Hungarian Jews. In contrast to this, the…

Canada Tosses out Section 13 — Internet “Hate Speech” Law

Both of the following reports from the establishment media in Canada are defective. They omit the role of lawyer Doug Christie in battling for free speech in Canada for more than 25 years. This is an enormous omission in that British Columbia's Christie, together with Ontario attorney Barbara Kulaszka and independent activists Paul Fromm and Marc Lemire, has…

Fragments: Another Ordinary Life

*** The CODOH Homepage has been completely restructured. It’s a job that began with one volunteer back in 2010, was interrupted a number of times by real life, but now it’s up. It’s a work-in-progress, as are all Web pages, forever, but it’s up and functioning. What is particularly new about it, other than the…

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