Archive of Posts

Outlaw History #3

I received a number of letters regarding my observation here on 29 September referencing Osama bin Laden as being responsible for 9/11. The most succinct reaction was from Regina Belser: “You don't seriously think that 9-11 was pulled off by Osama bin L. and a handful of Arabs, do you? If ever there were a…

Outlaw History #4

I should have noted in the last issue of this NL that I would be out of town for a week or so and that this issue would be late. I have not yet fully integrated this NL into my routine, if what I have can be called a routine. My escape from Baja was…

Outlaw History #5

I received a number of letters regarding my reaction to a friend telling me that he believes all Jews should be murdered. This one from Joe Bishop is the most focused and unrelenting of the lot. “Hello Bradley, I read your latest newsletter (#4) and would like to make a couple of comments. Actually this…

Outlaw History #6

Well, it's done. George W. won the big one. I wasn't very much for Kerry, he never said anything interesting that reached my ears, but I was very much against Mr. Bush. Four more years. Hopefully our President recognizes how much frustration, anger, and contempt for the American government he has created all around the…

Outlaw History #7

Dear Bradley: I just went on your web site and read newsletter no. 2 (9/29/04). I enjoyed it and it made some effective points, but it also raised in my mind the following caution: any discussion of “terrorism” is apt to get out of focus by sliding away from a clear definition of the word….

Outlaw History #8

Fallujah is a city of some 300,000 people. I hear via CNN that it is thought that about one third of the population is still in the city, or about 100,000 souls. It is estimated that the insurgents number maybe 3,000. The “insurgents” live and work among the people of Fallujah, ensuring that, as the…

Outlaw History #9

Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinians, has died. There is a great to-do about it. Palestinians in their wretched refugee camps, in their slums in Gaza and the West Bank under the guns and the boots of Israeli Jews, wonder what will become of them without their leader. Thirty-five years of murder and fraud following…

Reading Mein Kampf

Table of Contents Preface [to come] Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three [to come] Chapter Four [to come] Chapter Five [to come] Chapter Six [to come] Chapter Seven [to come] Chapter Eight [to come] Chapter Nine [to come]

Smith’s Report, no. 4, April 1991

Friend: Northwestern University The Northwestern Project is running like clockwork, just about like I predicted (see: Smith's Report #2 & #3). The CODOH Open Debate announcement has appeared in the Daily Northwestern once each week on Thursday since 11 January. During January after the Daily and the NW Review published a couple letters from me…

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